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"That was some trick you pulled, setting a trap at your home. Some bounty hunters may have fallen for that, but not me," gloated Adar.
His plan to sneak up on Carbos Neel on ORD Ibanna by taking a low tech mining skiff had worked. The poor human had been caught unawares as he huddled in the small control station on his derelict mining float.
The platform had seen better days. Both ends had splintered with metal spars and girders bent and shattered. Even as he spoke, some duranium tiles peeled off and blew away in the wind. The whole platform lurched uneasily and was canted at an angle.
"You must really have a death wish, choosing to hide on this platform." Neel flinched at the mention of death. "Oh, don't worry, the bounty requires you taken alive - at least until I get you back to the Czerka Corporation..."
Neel cowered on his knees. He was close to the edge of the platform. Should he jump? The thought passed fleetingly through his mind. No, he was too much of a coward for that.
"I can pay them back," he pleaded. "I have a solid tip on the next podrace. Sligo is going to win the next race on Scrapper's Run. I just need more time!"
"Tell that to Czerka," responded Adar as he cuffed the human.
Some days later, after handing Neel over, Adar remembered the tip. He put a thousand credits on Sligo on a whim; after all, Neel's capture had netted him far more than that. To his delight, Sligo won! What a nice bonus, he thought. Now, where is my next bounty - perhaps this one on Montitia...
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
Thanks both! I’ve keep the nautical theme going from the previous build: the base of this platform uses the old dark pirate ship hulls!
Not sure I’ll continue with builds in the clouds though. The image editing is a bit painstaking, especially with those hanging chains!!
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
Superb build! Great details, colours and overall feeling - one instantly recognizes where it is.
This is your best Factions build so far. The striking colors, the NPU, the original idea, the great background (that goes great with the build), and it all looks so clean. Wow wow wow
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order
@mayitbe Thanks!
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
I like the concept and idea, but there's room for improvement with the execution. E.g. limit yourself to fewer colors, and switch big elements (like the cross panel) out with bick-built versions. That said I like the floating platform idea - it's a nice break from standard landscapes... 👍
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
[Admin] Your post has scored 12 XP
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
Great build as usual mate! Love the colours!