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I received a bounty, Rocesty Sypester, an ex Spice lord for the Hutts. I travelled to Anchorhead, Tatooine and pursued the quarry. I wandered the sandy streets of the town and found a small building on the outskirts. My instincts tell me that this is where Rocesty is hiding from the New Republic.
This is my first bounty build, so hopefully I did everything correctly! If I have done something wrong, please just let me know 🙂
Looks properly like Tatoooine, nice gronk droid!
ARGO Industries employee
Neat wee build! Glad we’re not going for the same bounty. If I can offer some feedback, I find the light coming through walls around the window and door a bit distracting. Should be easy to extend the back walls to prevent this.
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
Gonk droid design is simple yet effective.
But i do agree with Eyrezer - gaps, especially the door, are distracting
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GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries