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Character introduction: Teran Arelos

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Teran Arelos, born 40bby on the planet Coruscant, has dreamt of being a pilot since childhood. During the Clone Wars, he worked as a mechanic on the lower levels of the capital, where he occasionally tested his customers ships. He was a born pilot, no one had ever taught him to fly, and when he first sat at the helm he knew immediately what to do. He was a dedicated citizen of the Republic, working to support himself as well as his mother. During a seperatist attack on his home planet, he lost his mother to a bombardment, at which point he decided to change his life. Unfortunately, due to his lack of education and combat experience, the Republic did not accept him into the navy. Luckily for him, a short while later the current policy changed to the Empire looking for soldiers. He applied straight away, at first he was assigned to the infantry where he served for nine years. His last mission as an infantry soldier was the Battle of Mimban. During the battle, he was assigned as a member of the crew escorting the wounded to the Venators above the planet's surface. During one of the transports, the pilot of the Zeta-Class Imperial Shuttle on which Teran was aboard was fatally shot by anti-aircraft guns. The shuttle began to fall rapidly and there was no other pilot. Terran took off his helmet and sat at the controls, using all the strength in his body to pull the controls upwards. He climbed up and took control of the situation, while delivering the injured and his crew aboard the Venator. Soon after, he was presented with a medal of heroism and was sent to Skystrike Academy.
At the academy, he was a top student, the instructors were impressed with his abilities and gave him a bright future as a pilot. After graduating from it, he was assigned to a death squadron tasked with defending the Stardestroyer.
Teran took part in both battles in which the first and second Death Star were wiped out.
To be continued.....

Posted : 23/04/2023 1:42 pm