Comm Surveillance
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Comm Surveillance

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Nutttter Butttter
Posts: 21
Rising Member Pentastar Alignment
Topic starter



They had been warned not to traverse the Jungle by themselves. But, both Corvo and Vanessa proceeded. It had become dark now. The only light beamed from their torches and illuminated beneath the tree canopies. Soon it apparent that they had gotten turned around somewhere. 


Corvo had been ordered to shut down a Comm relay down by Sector 79. Peculiar orders, but orders nonetheless, and good Soldiers will follow orders. At least, that’s what his father, Lieutenant Seronin preached. An old veteran of the old Empire, and as sour as spoiled milk.

“It should be just beyond these trees.” Corvo said as Vanessa cleared a path with her machete.


Vanessa had been recently made a Scout trooper, due to her prowess with a rifle and marksmanship. Corvo however showed no desirable talent whatsoever. He was a slender young man, gelled red hair with dull grey eyes. 

“It better be.” Vanessa panted. “I’ve had enough of the humidity out here. Why does the Lieutenant want us out here anyway.” She asked as they reached a clearing.


There in the clearing stood a thin grey pylon, just as thin as Corvo was. It was connected to a large power generator and wires looped spiralled out like legs of a dead spider.

“This must be it.” Corvo remarked, rushing over to the control panel whilst biting down on his lit torch. “He said he heard something.” He spat out.

Vanessa peered over his shoulder, watching him as he poked and prodded the panel. 

“Heard what? Nothings out here.” She questioned. “Nothing but darkness.”


Suddenly a large bleep alerted from the pad, ringing his ears. 

He read the new message on the panel.

“It’s an Audio file.” He said, placing a thin stick into the control port. “Il see if I can download it.”


As soon as the loading bar emitted, a strange noise echoed from a nearby bush. Vanessa shot a glance, her head on a swivel.

“Must be a bat or something.” Corvo reasoned.

She didn’t pay attention to his remarks. Vanessa pointed the tip of her rifle into the bush. Her gloved finger twinged on the trigger.


Corvo peered over his shoulder after the bar had reached 40%. He saw an odd green flash, then nothing. Black.


He awoke moments later. His head throbbed and rung like a bell. 

“Van?” He mourned, clutching his head.

A dark shadow stood over by the bush, standing over a small corpse. It must have heard him, because within seconds, it strode over slowly to him. It said nothing, laboured crackles imitated the sound of breathing. A Death Trooper. The tip of its helmet protruded like a beak.

“/-/ Seronin./-/.” they growled. “/-/Orders from the Lieutenant. Sorry Ensign./-/.” They ended, pointing a rifle at his head.


A tidal wave of panic washed over him. 


Suddenly, the Control panel released a long beep. The Death Trooper looked across at the Panel. The download had reached 100%. A sharp red beam rushed pat them, a limping Vannesa diecting a rifle at the Trooper.

“WHO’s orders.” She demanded, jolting her cub threatentingly. 

The death trooper scoffed, pointing its rifle in retaliation. “Put the gun down Girl.” It mocked, turning round. “Seronin will reward me highly for you.”

He had fully turned his back to Corvo as he opened fire upon Vanessa. It missed. 


Corvo took a moment to come to his senses. Saw the look of determination on the unmasked Vanessa and, glanced up at thr Death Trooper. He unholsted his pistol from his leg, but hesitated. He had never killed anyone, failed his marksmanship evaluation and had never even used his pistol before.


But the Trooper leaned to open fire again, Corvo returned fire. He shot him in the back, piercing him in the left Shoulder. They fell to the floor almost instantly, bashing into the Control panel.

Corvo got to his feet,  not believing his eyes. He had killed someone, let alone an Imperial.

“Coward!” The Trooper wheezed, taking off her helmet. “Shot me in the back!” She yelled through gritted teeth.

Vanessa had had enough of her, ending the insult immediately. She shot her in the head, silencing her.

“Why did your father send us here, if he knew we’d find something bad?” She asked, taking the data stick from the control panel. “He sent the elite. What’s going on Corvo?”

Corvo stood there, still thinking of what he had done.

“Corvo!” She shouted. “Snap out of it!”



This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Nutttter Butttter
Posted : 12/02/2023 2:45 pm
Posts: 231
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau

Very nice blending of colors and idea!

Posted : 12/02/2023 4:58 pm
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader

This entry has earned 5 XP

Posted : 04/04/2023 10:47 pm