This entry has earned 16XP
Outside the notorious Classic Planetary nightclub on the lower levels of the Coruscant Underworld, a team of security officials patrol the crowded streets. In their sights is the infamous dealer of spice, deathsticks and all things illegal, the smuggler Roden Squich. As expected, the Hylobon criminal emerged from the dark alleyway, draped in a heavy brown cloak. Gotcha! It was now time to lay down the law to one Coruscant's worst crooks.
Additional picture of the scene, a little lower resolution but shows some details a bit better:
Thank you for viewing. Personally I'm pretty happy with how this turned out, but any comments or feedback are welcome and appreciated as always.
This entry has earned 16XP
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
It's so dark and immersive! Love how it feels like a real street