[Creature LTC] En r...
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[Solved] [Creature LTC] En route to the Hunter's Rest

6 Posts
4 Users
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The Stuartn
Posts: 216
Reputable Member New Republic 3rd Fleet
Topic starter

This entry has earned 32XP (x2 LTC)

At the top of a rocky outcrop, the new tenant of one of Giju's biggest ranches, Ty'ra Ness, sat on the back of her Rodal colt. She surveyed the seemingly endless landscape, all of which now belonged to her, and searched the horizon for any sight of the farmhouse. There was, however, just more plains to the south, and north, the blurry silhouettes of the smoke-towers above the spaceport they had come from. At this rate they wouldn't arrive until daybreak tomorrow. One of the members of the travelling party called out.

"Ma'am, its 'bout time we got a move on, we gotta get to the out-station by dusk".

Ty'ra Ness looked back at him, and turned her steed around. It seemed like it would be an eternity until they arrived. Doesn't anyone own a landspeeder on this planet?

Thank you for viewing, comments and feedback welcome, as always!

This topic was modified 2 years ago by The Stuartn
This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn


Posted : 15/09/2022 5:39 am
Posts: 36
Rising Member Haelos Star Yards

The creatures look great, love the protruding rock!

"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

Posted : 15/09/2022 7:13 am
The Stuartn
Posts: 216
Reputable Member New Republic 3rd Fleet
Topic starter

@arkum-elo Thank you!


Posted : 18/09/2022 10:29 pm
Posts: 231
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau

Sick color scheme and rock outcrop! Nice stream, breaks up the moc well.

Posted : 25/09/2022 1:55 am
The Stuartn
Posts: 216
Reputable Member New Republic 3rd Fleet
Topic starter

@cosmic-studios Thank you very much!


Posted : 30/09/2022 1:03 am
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

This entry has earned 32XP (x2 LTC)

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 15/10/2022 11:11 am