This entry has earned 10XP (x2 LTC)
“Isn’t he beautiful?”
Rist “Danger” Wiveen crouched behind a bush watching the large colorful bird pecking at the ground. Behind him, his Weequay holo-cam man, Mo, stood capturing every moment.
“This fella’ is a magnificent specimen of the pygmy lurb - Yavin 4’s fourth largest land animal and second largest avian. This flightless bird can run a whopping 80 klicks an hour. But just because he’s fast doesn’t mean he runs from everything! Those powerful legs pack enough punch to knock over a dewback!”
The holo-cam was heavy and Mo shifted uncomfortably. They had been trudging through the jungles of Yavin 4 for three days to find this bird and hadn’t had a decent meal, a hot shower, or a good night’s rest since. As the holo-cam slowly began to drop, Rist’s urgent whisper cut through his musings.
“Mo! Let’s get a little closer!”
As the excited adventurer crept closer, Mo resigned himself and tip-toed after him. Suddenly, a twig snapped underfoot and the massive bird raised its head. Immediately spotting the intruders, it stared straight at them, cocking its head from side to side.
"Ah, he’s spotted us now. We don’t want to get any closer and spook him off. Up close, we can see his beautiful red and green feathers - this fella’s in his nuptial plumage, ready to catch the eye of a lady with his fascinating dancing ritual–”
In a flash, the bird whirled and disappeared into the underbrush, barely making a sound.
“Ah, looks like he had enough of me talking about him! He’s off to find a quieter place to eat and attract a mate. Well folks, that’s all for this episode - we’ve seen some of the largest birds in the Outer Rim! Next episode will come with a splash, as we head below the waves to see the aquatic creatures of the Hydian Way!”
As the holo-cam blinked off, Mo let it slide from his shoulder and back into his case. Finally, he could get some rest. Maybe take a nice vacation… They were headed to aquatic worlds next, surely they must have a nice beach where he could put up his feet and drink something intoxicating?
“Alright Mo! Great job buddy! Those were great shots! But before we get off world, I thought I saw some interesting tracks a few klicks back… Let’s go check them out!”
With a sigh, Mo gathered his things and followed after his boisterous boss.
Rist "Danger" Wiveen and his holo-cam man, Mo
Rist. What a guy! Seems like he’d be a blast to work with!
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
Wow, very interesting piece usage for all the parts of the creature!
Great builds, and I like the storyline too
This entry has earned 106XP (x2 LTC)
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries