[Crimson War] Sabot...
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[Crimson War] Sabotage at Caamas

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Ninja Nin
Posts: 24
Rising Member Crim Empire
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Following the Empress’s command, Ereon ’s team left Raxus Prime and travelled to the Core Worlds, where the Inquisitors would be sent off for various missions. Curis, who just returned from his vacation in Bimmisaari, was assigned to lead a squad to Caamas for a secret mission.

Under the New Republic’s rule, the Caamasi carried out decontamination projects on the planet, which suffered from a planetary-wide bombardment orchestrated by Emperor Palpatine.   


CAAMASI CAPTAIN : Thank you Doctor. Your research here has been a tremendous help and support to my people. 


ITHORIAN DOCTOR : You’re welcome. This is a special plant only found on Ithor. It is able to absorb the toxic substances in the soil. So we set the plants to a few more locations and collect enough data, then we can decide which area will be the best for the Caamasi to settle.



A Caamasi soldier came and interrupted their conversation.

CAAMASI SOLDIER : Sorry to interrupt Captain, an unidentified Airspeeder was spotted. It looks like Imperial.

CAAMASI CAPTAIN : I heard rumours that an Imperial remnant faction has been active in the sector. Prepare your men.


But it was too late …….


Curis and his squad stormed into the farming facility, sabotaged all the equipment along the way.


The Caamasi soldier was no match to the former Royal Guard.


CURIS : We have you now, Ithorian. 


[To be continued …..]



Complete Build

Thank you for reading.

This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Ninja Nin


Posted : 01/09/2023 5:57 pm
Spud The Viking
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Posted : 07/09/2023 9:57 am