Culture Shock
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Culture Shock

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Captain Havok
Posts: 140
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau Faction Leader
Topic starter


Captain Rook walked the length of the room and peered through the blinds at the industrial expanse of the city below. He turned and scanned his eyes across the room. It was stylishly furnished but modest in size, as was the case with most living spaces provided to junior officers. “This will do fine, thanks” he said politely.

The realtor seemed to not register his agreement as she continued with her spiel. “…and wow what a location! You arrived at the perfect time too. The Imperial Apartments were scheduled to be demolished later this year. Of course it will need some additional security measures. As I’m sure you’ve heard, anti-imperial sentiment has…unfortunately been on the rise as of late. Some elements of the population have gotten bolder since the first shuttle touched down. Moff Ssaria certainly left a lasting impression on the planet.”
“Yes” he said shaking his head. “I’ve read about her career here. Nasty business.”
“The fiend of Castell…” she murmured.
Caught off guard by the officer’s solemn look, she diverted attention back to the apartment. “Well if this is to your liking, I’ll begin preparing all 8000 units for the arrival of the Imperial Officer’s Corps” she said typing notes into her datapad.
“It’s spacious” he smiled. “I’ve never lived anywhere this large before.”
The reasonably basic amenities seemed to fascinate and impress him. She wondered how much of his life he’d spent living aboard star destroyers, far removed from the hustle and bustle of the life on Castell.
“How long will you be staying?” she asked.
“As long as it takes to secure the sector I imagine” he replied, fiddling with the telescope by the window.
“Well the view isn’t much to look at but if you know the right spots, the night life is worth sticking around for.”
“My apologies but what is a night life?”
She laughed.


Thanks for looking! This was originally built for Vignweek 2023.

This topic was modified 2 years ago 5 times by Captain Havok

Bryx Security Bureau | Faction Leader

Posted : 24/08/2023 10:54 pm
Spud The Viking
Posts: 322
Reputable Member Akko Missions Faction Leader

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Leader of Akko Missions | GM

Posted : 07/09/2023 9:28 am