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[Solved] Data Extraction on Endor

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New Member Imperial Consortium
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A squad of Imperial Consortium special forces troops are deployed to the remains of Research Station 9 on the surface of Endor in search of schematics to a climate disruption array. The same one deployed during Operation Cinder. With enemy forces scurrying all over the planet's surface, the team must tread carefully in order to ensure the mission is successful... with minimal complications...



The entire Tac-Pod jostled as it entered the planet's atmosphere. Lights flickered above as every team member was silent. Seemingly recollecting their thoughts in preparation for the mission that lie ahead.

Dash, the squad leader, called out, "Hey Veers, make you land us far enough out, if there's hostiles at the research station, they can't see us coming." Dash was a natural born leader, and as tough as they come. A veteran of the Imperial Special Forces, he had seen his fair share of combat.

"Okay, I'm landing about five klicks west of the research station," responded Veers.

"Alright guys. Final check let's go. Comms, blasters, equipment. Make sure you're ready to go when we hit the ground, we're in and out, alright?" said Dash to the rest of the men.

Merin, the squad's medic, and another veteran of the galactic civil war, turned over to Clix as he fiddled with the controls on his blaster pistol. "You ready?"

"Yeah," responded Clix, "I'm just worried about those damn Ewoks."

The Tac-Pod shook again as it hit the ground quite violently.

"Alright let's go." said Dash as he made his way to the back of the Pod. The ramp dropped quickly, producing a loud thud sound as it hit the ground. Each squad member filed out, with Tarshik, the tech specialist, being the last one out. Dash turned around, "Hey Veers, remember, locked door, engine on, don't get out of the ship, we need to be ready to go at any time."

"Yes sir." responded Veers as he clicked a button on his control panel, and the ramp to the Tac-Pod sealed shut. Everyone's eyes were glued up at the large, broad trunks that surrounded them. Slivers of light peaked through gaps in the dense foliage above. Little rodents scattered away as the Dash took a few steps forward.

"Alright, keep blasters ready at all times, we have no idea how much resistance to expect, so be prepared for anything." Dash looked back at his squad mates, "come on then, let's get a move on." 

Off they marched into the thick vegetation. Everything was fairly quiet, with only a few faint caws being heard in the distance...



Hanreh Tawass sat with her legs crossed, and eyes closed. She could feel the force moving through her body, she let it guide her. Hanreh was often referred to as a Jedi, but no she was no Jedi - at least not anymore. Those days had long since passed. The only thing that told her right from wrong was the force, the idea of serving an order was foreign to her now.

She had come to Endor with the Freedom Fighters. As soon as she landed on this moon, she could feel a sort of spiritual connection. So, in this spot, in the center of a branch that laid across a wide gap, she would meditate. As thoughts came into her mind, she would acknowledge them, and let them pass, so that the only things she would see would be by way of the force.



Dash and his men made their way closer to the research station. As they moved further through the dense forest, they began to see what remained of the tall, bleak, imperial structures. They made their way towards the tree line, where Dash commanded everyone to get low.

"Clix, what do you see?" Asked Dash, in a hushed tone.

Clix put his pair of binocs up to his visor, he slowly scanned across the research station. He motioned his arm upwards, towards the ridge just to the right of the main complex.

"Up there, I see heat signatures. I can't quite tell how many, maybe two, I'm not sure."

"There's no way we could make it into the complex without them seeing us," pointed out Tarshik. "We need to take them out somehow."

"No, we shouldn't take them out. If there are others in the area, then they could alert them via comms. We need to take them captive." said Dash.

Merin spoke up, "If we circle around them, from the back, we shouldn't have any problems."

"Okay," said Dash. "Follow me. Stay low and keep quiet."



A new thought now entered Hanreh's mind. This time, however, the thought didn't pass. She placed her hands on her head. Her mind became clouded, foggy. She only saw darkness, a figure emerged in her mind. Was it-was it her? She saw herself reach out towards her, but suddenly, she saw herself get pulled away into the darkness, screaming. Her head now shook violently back and forth. But then, as if life was injected back into her, her whole body trembled in an almost possessive manner. The vision had passed, but she was still in distress...



The squad moved closer and closer to where the soldiers were, they could now clearly see that there were three. They began to hear conversation.

"Why would they just leave four of us here?" The Duros soldier remarked. "It just doesn't make sense."

The human spoke up. "Well, I guess there are just more important targets, anyways, it's not like there are any imperial remnants left on the planet."

Dash signaled to his men to move out wide, so that they have multiple angles on the soldiers when they moved in. They quietly into position, being careful not to step on any leaves or branches. Dash rose his left arm, indicating for everyone to stand.

He yelled out, "Everybody blasters on the ground, comms off, don't move!"

The soldiers were startled, but they all complied.

Dash called out, "Clix, watch the perimeter, Merin, make sure all of their comms are off, no one can know we're here. Tarshik, see that tower over there, get hooked up to it see if you can find anything." He now turned his attention back to the soldiers. "Hands up, on your knees. Now!" 

[url= g" target="_blank"> g"/> [/img][/url]

The Bith soldier began murmuring under his breath, "I am one with the force, I am one with the force, I a-"

"Shut it!" grunted Dash, striking him in the back of the head with his E-11.

[url= g" target="_blank"> g"/> [/img][/url]



Hanreh began to hear yelling nearby. The visions, they must be connected she thought. I can sense they're in danger, she thought to herself. She quickly got up from her seated position and made her way back towards the research station. She positioned herself atop a ridge just above where her fellow soldiers were, she saw stormtrooper helmets. This can't be, she thought.

She hopped on to the top of tree that was roughly level in front of her, she crouched down and moved closer...



"One of you tell me where the climate disruption array schematics are in the research station."

No one said a word.

"So, we're gonna play this game, huh?"

"ARGHHH," screamed out Merin, as he let out two blaster shots.

[url= g" target="_blank"> g"/> [/img][/url]

"NOOO" wailed the Human soldier. The other two just lowered their heads.

"We have to go, they know we're here." said Clix, nervously.

"If you all want to play the same games as your Jedi friend, expect the same fate."

The Human soldier quickly responded, "Inside, there's a date tower, go to the second floor, at the control panel, you'll find it. I don't know the code name that's all I know."

A blaster shot rang out. Dash had shot him dead.

"Please," pleaded the Duros soldier, "That's all we know."

"Well then, that's most unfortunate." Responded Dash, as he shot twice more, as the Bith and Duros fell to the ground. "Everyone, come on, let's go inside the complex, we'll find what we need in there, Clix, signal back to Veers to land the Tac-Pod at our position."

"Yes sir." He responded.

The squad quickly infiltrated the complex and found the schematics. They extracted the data with no complications and left the forest-moon. 



Thanks for reading!

[url= g" target="_blank"> g"/> [/img][/url]

(Left to right): Human Freedom Fighter, Duros Freedom Fighter, Bith Freedom Fighter, Hanreh, Dash, Clix, Tarshik, Merin

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn
Posted : 07/11/2022 4:42 pm
Posts: 231
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau

Very cool custom mini-figs! The storyline was long but kept you asking for more and wondering what would happen. Very well thought out and I like the freeform/tree from the moc. The Rebel vs Empire feel was there!

Posted : 08/11/2022 2:54 am
Shockwave bricks
Posts: 118
Trusted Member Bryx Security Bureau

Great first post back! Such a great little scene you have set up here and a brilliant story to accompany it. 


Posted : 08/11/2022 11:18 am
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
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GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 19/11/2022 1:02 pm