Dawn of the Empire
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Dawn of the Empire

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
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On the bridge of the Star Dreadnought, The SSD Pandemonium

The commander in all red uniform walked up to the duchess. “Your grace. We’re coming out of hyperspace soon”. The duchess stood facing the viewport.

“Thank you Djanis. Have the others arrived?”

Djanis cleared his throat, and waved away his red cape, resting his hands behind his back.

“Yes, your grace! Warlord Zsinj has just joined them. Only Hassat is not here, but will be joining us on the holo. They are ready.”

The duchess turned to face her trusted commander. She frowned, dispelling the nervous instinct that had been bothering her a moment before.. She closed her eyes for a moment. “Good.”

Some time later…

There was an eerie unease on the bridge. Nine figures—some physically present, others present through holo projections—stood in a circle around the huge imperial crest carved into the center of the bridge.

The sound of Grand Moff Cerato’s cane against the black polished floor broke the silence. “Welcome to Korriban, the gateway to the Stygian Caldera.” The Grand Moff looked around at the other eight, and continued his speech.

“This place bears certain symbolism to what we will witness here.

For too long we have seeked refuge in the shadows. Hiding from the New Republic. Some among us misplaced trust in the Shadow Council, others superstitiously waited for the ghost-emperor to return. Our separation and secrecy has served us well. We have grown strong. The time has come to unite that strength.”

The contrasting expressions on the faces around him were palpable; pride, frustration, awe, and disbelief. But every single one of them understood the weight of this moment. This was a moment that would redefine the galaxy.

The war-hardened rasp of Moff Cerato's voice provided the announcement with the gravity it deserved.

"This gathering marks the birth of the Crim Empire, with The Crimson Dutchess' ascension as Empress of the Trans-Hydian Borderlands, the Greater Maldrood, the Tion Cluster, the Ciutric Hegemony, and beyond.”

The subtle body language visible through the holo projection of Lord Hassat hinted at his resentment. He caught the eye of the Grand Moff, and bared his teeth as his projection flickered and disappeared.

Eight figures remained. The Grand Moff flinched and raised his fist.

“Long live the Crim Empire! Long live the Empress!”

A choir of five responded immediately.


Only Admiral Nuress stayed silent, a slight smile visible on her face.

It did not escape the newly-appointed Empress’s notice. She turned and walked slowly along the edge of the imperial crest on the floor.

“Grandmother. That is what they call you? You disappoint me,” said the Empress in a soft voice.

Admiral Nuress straightened and put her hands behind her back. The smile seemed forced.

“My child. An Empire should not be ruled by politicians, or princesses. We need a commander! A tried and tested military leader!”

The Empress walked behind Lord Khaz. “You have someone in mind?” she asked. The admiral turned to face her.

“The only true heir to the Empire.”

The Empress opened her arms, as if to offer the admiral her embrace. The admiral pursed her lips to declare a name.


But the name did not make it into the room. A red glowing blade emerged from Admiral Nuress’s back, and with a gasp, she fell forward into the Empress's embrace. The Empress switched off her blade, and let the admiral drop lifeless to the floor.

The Empress looked down at the fallen admiral.

“I am no politician. No soft noble. And no rumor in the dark." she told the dead woman, for the benefit of those still living.

“You are the first to learn this.” She turned towards the Imperial crest, and looked around the room at those who remained.

“Inevitably, there will be those who fail to learn from your lesson. This is no bother; I am a patient teacher, and unlike the failures before me, my rule will not be reckless. We are those who have waited. Let us now reap our reward.”

Grand Moff Cerato threw his clenched fist in the air, and roared, “LONG LIVE THE CRIM EMPIRE! LONG LIVE THE EMPRESS!”



This entry marks the reformation of the clandestine Stygian Caldera Society, into the Crim Empire. Since the Factions canon timeline has opened up a bit more, it is time for the Imperials to step out of the shadows! Thank's to @Sam for helping with the story!

Behind the scene photos

A better lit photo of the bridge. A roof with greebles was build to put on top of the moc, for immersive photos.

The moc was born from the idea of an Imperial Crest. It was always supposed to be a part of a ship interior, as seen in the concept here:

The moc proved to be a perfect stage for the reformation of the SCS faction into the CE faction.

Feel free to post any feedback, critique, or questions you might have. Thanks for watching.

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 15/04/2023 8:06 pm
Comander Rovern
Posts: 80
Trusted Member Crim Empire

Truly a masterpiece Bjorn! This truly does mark a change, not only for our faction, but for the whole galaxy! 

Posted : 15/04/2023 9:26 pm
Darth Bjorn reacted
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

I mean, what else is there to say? Long live the Crim Empire, and long live the Empress!

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 16/04/2023 3:39 am
Darth Bjorn reacted
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Followers of the Force Faction Leader

This is stunning - the colors are just so crisp!

Posted : 16/04/2023 9:29 pm
Darth Bjorn reacted
Spud The Viking
Posts: 322
Reputable Member Akko Missions Faction Leader

Superb work! The Imperial logo is beautifully done, and such an interesting development with the CE! 

Leader of Akko Missions | GM

Posted : 16/04/2023 10:25 pm
Darth Bjorn reacted
Posts: 20
New Member Followers of the Force

really stunning display of characters, amazing story and can't wait to see more of the Crimson Empire!

Member of the New Jedi Order

Posted : 19/04/2023 9:41 am
Darth Bjorn reacted
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader
Topic starter

@spud-the-viking Thanks a lot! I think I need to try to repurpose the symbol for another build. 😆

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 24/04/2023 9:08 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader
Topic starter

@oskarfaze Oh you will get what you wish... 😇

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 24/04/2023 9:09 pm
oskarfaze reacted
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader
Topic starter

This entry has earned 20 XP

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 29/05/2023 5:59 pm