Deceitful Negotiati...
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Deceitful Negotiations

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Comander Rovern
Posts: 80
Trusted Member Crim Empire
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At the Imperial Embassy on Wayland


"I can not believe I am here again." - Said Director Vol

"You have been to Wayland before director?" - Asked Junior Director Lexi

"Yes I have. Long ago when I was just starting out in the ISB. We were sent to Wayland to inspect Mt. Tantis. When we arrived we were sent here, to the Imperial Embassy. I am glad to see that it is still intact, that will make it easier to integrate back here." - Remarked Director Vol

"Well, looks like we are here." - Said Junior Director Lexi

*Door Slides Open*

"Ahh welcome Director! It is my greatest pleasure to have you on my planet." - Exclaimed Jorus Ca'both 

"Yes, it is truly a pleasure to be here. However, you know just as well as me this is not your planet Ca'both." - Said Director VolDi

"Ah, I see how it is. Let's handle this like civil people shall we? What is your proposal, I know the way you Imperials work." - Said Ca'both 

"Yes, like civil people. I will make this simple, we would like Mt. Tantis back. In fact, we would like all our previous assets on Wayland back. We want to alliance with you to make this humble planet prosperous again." - Explained Director Vol. 

"I understand well enough Director. However, what would you be willing to give me for this deal?" - Questioned Ca'both 

"I am pleased you are going along with these negotiations. We are willing to give you something we know you we really want for this deal. We, the Society have been accumulating many force sensitive assets and in exchange for Wayland we would be willing to give you some of those assets. This alliance will benefit us all." - Said Director Vol 

"This peaks my interest Director. I will be willing to do this. However, I ask that you let me still have dominion over this planet as a shadow lord under the Society to keep the locals in check." - Said Ca'both

"That can be acceptable Ca'both. We will need you to help us control the locals." - Explained Director Vol

"Good, glad to hear Director. You Imperials do know how to negotiate well. I will call a general assembly of the populace to inform them on the change that will be accruing. May this be the start of a new ear for our planet!" - Said Ca'both 

"Yes Ca'both, may this be the start of new eras indeed." - Ended Director Vol 




Imperials, Left to Right: Tk 8027, Tk 7615, Tk 6180, Director Vol, Junior Director Lexi, Commander Ron, Lt. Kerga 

Wayland Locals, Left to Right: Wayland Militant, Wayland Communicator, Jorus Ca'both, Wayland Commander 

Hello! Here is the next Wayland entry. Lots of important details story wise in this build. Jorus Ca'both is a somewhat legendary character so I hope I delivered him well. For the Wayland locals, I wanted to disregard what they say in the Thrawn Legend books of them not having any 'modern' weapons or equipment. So I thought it would be appropriate for them to have a mix of  restored Imperial gear with extra stuff they got off pirates or whatever.More stuff on the way and thanks for reading! Hail the Society, Hail the Empire! 

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Comander Rovern
Posted : 20/02/2023 4:58 pm
Posts: 231
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau

I really like the storyline and figs! Great way to wrap up your stories and builds!

Posted : 26/02/2023 3:34 am
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader

This entry has earned 6 XP

Posted : 04/04/2023 10:51 pm