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Duro: Frictions among the Freight and Industry Circle

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Duro: Frictions among the Freight and Industry Circle

The Core systems of Duro and Corellia are welcomed into the Free Systems, but will the addition of such heavy-weights shift the balance of power within the burgeoning association? Will verbal sparring translate to strengthened resolve or simmering resentment?


“Truly, it is always a special occasion to welcome new members to the association of Free Systems. But to welcome prestigious Core worlds like Corellia and Duro? Now that is, indeed, a rare honour!”

The speaker was Sevin Pane, the chair of the Free Systems’ Freight and Industry Circle. The diminutive Sullustan was kitted out in deep red robes, a tall - pompous perhaps? - hat adding an extra foot to his height although he still barely reached the height of his fellows.

”Before tonight’s function, I wanted to formally welcome you alongside representatives from the three founding capitals of the Free Systems: Elder Peppi of Naboo; Elder Preigo of Kinyen; and Elder Azadi of Lothal.”

The other elders made similar welcoming remarks acknowledging the historic occasion, despite the fact the official welcomes had been made by leaders several ranks higher than the Freight and Industry Circle. The Gungan Peppi took the longest, including a drawn-out explanation of the significance of the dress she wore - something about uniting the peoples of Naboo under the Galactic Republic. 

Whether the guests of honour were impressed was hard to tell. 

The Corellian system was represented by two delegates: Elder Loor, a Human, and Elder Hegrei a furry Drall; the latter made all the right noises but the Human acknowledged the pleasantries with the barest dip of his pony-tailed head. 

The neighbouring Duro system was represented by Elder Zahnna, a member of the eponymous species alongside Elder Fluute of the Neimoidian cousin-species of the Duro, which had a minority population in the system. Zahnna, at least, smiled but it appeared to barely reach his monochromatic-red eyes.

“Thank you, Senator Pane,” the Duro responded, using the Sullustan’s title in the galactic senate rather than the more familiar epithet ‘elder’ favoured within the Free Systems.

“As you know, there is quite the political competition in our region with a substantial rivalry developing between the Imperial Consortium and the New Republic - the posturing on Kovaria and Karvoss only the most recent activity. Neither polity, however, appears committed to helping restore the surface of Duro. The offer of expertise from Qat Chrystac, was therefore a most welcome one, that we…”

“Corellia, of course,” interrupted the Human, “has always strictly valued our freedom and independence ever since the days of the grand Corellian Hegemony.”

This earned an awkward cough from Zahnna, whose people had also been a part of that territory despite its name.

“To that end, the Free Systems appears the best option - provided, of course, we are satisfied with the outcomes of this week’s Freight and Industry negotiations. Let’s hope the talks are fruitful - perhaps we can provide some ‘assistance’ to Lothal, Elder Azadi? I gather you’ve had a few ructions there of late and can no longer aspire to Mon Cala for ongoing patronage?”

Elder Azadi coloured. “Nothing we couldn’t handle and I don’t see it being an ongoing issue,” he demurred, although everyone in the audience chamber knew that was a stretch. It had seemed all but certain Lothal would secede from the Free Systems, which would have been a humiliation for the association even though it was a looser affiliation than most galactic alliances. 

Those behind the ‘Lothalite equivocation’ had never been proven but it was suspected to be linked to the gill rot outbreak that had destabilised Mon Cala only a month prior. Unconfirmed reports of Imperial attacks on, first, the Cold Sun Monastery and now a second monastic enclave had raised concerns in many quarters.

“Well, I for one am certainly looking forward to our talks, which I suspect will benefit from a touch of Corellian spice, Drall honey and Duros umami,” said Elder Preigo, rubbing his feet together in undisguised glee. “First, however, let’s whet our appetites with the finest Kinyen rye whiskey. The rest of the Circle delegates should be arriving any moment now and I am sure are as eager to welcome you as we have been.”

The Dug, having risen to his position after years fighting for the political rights of his kind among the Gran majority, was known for his more direct, some might say forceful, style of negotiation but he could turn on the charm when it fancied him.

With that segway, the Dug monitored to the servitor droids to open the main doors. In filed the mixed-species delegates representing many of the premier worlds of the Free Systems. Some mixed and mingled freely while others clustered together in small groups, often reflecting the blocs they hailed from: such as the delegates from Montitia, Lahag Erli and the Ring of Kafrene; those of Medth, Sullust and Haruun Kal; and those of Har Binande, Takodana and Koba.

While most of the real wheeling and dealing would occur over the next days, one unique deal was being hammered out over cocktails and protocol droids: Elder Scarn of Togoria was brokering the final elements of a peace summit to be held on her homeworld between the long-term rivals and neighbours of Kashyyyk and Trandosha. 

More than once, the mutual antipathy had threatened to derail Free Systems’ business. The peace summit represented months of wrangling to resolve at least some of the most fraught issues - prisoner exchanges, mining concessions and - most recently, joint efforts to trace vanished colonies from both species. While initially suspicions were pointed at each other, shared victimhood may have finally provided an avenue for peace - or at the least a lasting détente. Security would need to be tight though - any disruption could unravel the entire peace process... 

Additional photos

Representatives of J15: Montitia, Lahag Erli, Ring of Kafrene

Representatives of M17: Haruun Kal, Sullust, Medth

Representatives of J16: Koba, Har Binande and Takodana

Representatives of Corellia and Bespin

Representatives of Llanic, Naboo and Lothal

Higher angle shot

Build notes

I've tried to work a few references into this story:


  • Senator Sevin Pane is from Cam's Episode I story here
  • The human Naboo representative is Jové Corbana from Cyrus' build.
  • The representative of Montitia is Numed Sinoos from my build here.
  • I've previously used the Gremlin head for the Drall species here.
  • The representative from Ring of Kafrene appears in BrickMadSam's build here, while the Lahag Erli representative could be a grown-up Peri Bodine, if she survived...
  • Azadi is a reference to Moff Azadi of Lothal, although more likely a relative.


  • The references to gill rot on Mon Cala are a nod to Mark's three builds, with the "Lothalite Equivocation" is the SCS blindside on Lothal, resolved through some out-of-story trades. The Cold Sun Monastery is also from Cam's build here.
  • Kovaria and Karvoss reference Stuart's recent builds.
  • The missing Trandoshan and Wookiee colonies are, of course, a reference to Episode III, part I.

I hope you enjoyed!

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Posted : 26/01/2023 11:23 pm
Posts: 231
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau

Sick color scheme and variety of figs! Really nice story as well.

Posted : 29/01/2023 1:25 am
Eyrezer reacted
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Followers of the Force Faction Leader

Wow, this is a great build, but I feel is even more impressive for its showcasing of the Free Planets representation! Lots of great figure designs in there. I appreciate Jové making it in there! And I love the little server droid.

Posted : 31/01/2023 1:55 am
Eyrezer reacted
Posts: 229
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@cyrusbuilds thanks! Yes it reminds me a bit of the soirée I did on Bespin last year.

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Posted : 31/01/2023 2:19 am
CyrusBuilds reacted
Posts: 451
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This entry has earned 9 XP

Posted : 04/04/2023 9:41 am