(Ep. I - Cat B) Nob...
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[Solved] (Ep. I - Cat B) Nobody's Happy, but Nobody's Dead

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Admiral Tavila Zell, Minister Yab-bres of Kinyen, and Ambassador Jalus Quinn lead a delegation to Hanna City's rooftop Jiko Gardens, a pleasant environment for a not-so-pleasant meeting with representatives from the Imperial Consortium.

"Place seems too pretty for Imperials. Almost wish they wouldn't show."

"I understand what you mean, Mr. Quinn." Admiral Tavila Zell, dressed in ceremonial armor, stood straight-backed and stony faced. "Blast this armistice. The Volunteer fleets are strong," She dropped her voice. "Oh, to take the fight to Imperial Space."

Minister Yab-bres stood beneath the fluttering maroon leaves of the nearby gabbom tree. "Such a victory, while cathartic, would come at a cost, Admiral."

"To the people of Kinyen, in particular. Be at peace, minister; I shall start no wars today. Forgive my indulgent daydream. Such things are best not spoken aloud," she corrected herself, in part for the benefit of the Freedom Fighter guards standing by. It wouldn't do to encourage a warmongering attitude. Yima would have scolded her, in his frustrating, gentle way.

The Gran Minister looked around, his eye-stalks moving in unison. "Especially while waiting for whom they concern."

"Point taken," the Admiral smiled, though it had the appearance of a grimace, steely and fierce. Just the way her face was.

"It's a temporary fix," Quinn offered. "No one is happy about any of the Remnants living another day. Helps to think of the colonies, in my experience. If you start dreaming of cracked stormtrooper helmets, follow it up with a mental image of a burning homestead. Dead family."

"You''re a cheerful presence, Ambassador," the Admiral noted.

Quinn flashed a wide, toothy smile, the kind that won him all kinds of attention in less tense environments. "Thanks, Admiral. I do understand the impulse. 'Are we conceding too much, is this appeasement, is this stupid', et cetera. This armistice is a wall. It will keep people alive, and keep planets peaceful. It's worth it."

"The heart of diplomacy is compromise," quoted Yab-Bres. 

"But you know, doesn't mean it's going to feel good to do this thing, especially face-to-face."

"No," the Admiral agreed, propping her hands on her armored hips. "But it is the right thing to do."

Three figures approached, clad in Imperial uniforms. The atmosphere quickly changed. Their presence felt somehow wrong in the pristine space of the garden.

Tavila Zell narrowed her eyes. "For now."



This topic was modified 3 years ago 4 times by RocketBoy

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 01/03/2022 1:06 am
Talus reacted
Posts: 42
Trusted Member Followers of the Force

Love it! I‘m continually impressed by your visual and written storytelling and characterization. One thing I’m not sure about is what are those little white column dome thingies, they look nice though!

Posted : 01/03/2022 5:43 pm
RocketBoy reacted
Posts: 478
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@talus Thank you friend, that's really kind, I really appreciate it.

I was thinking of them as sculptures or pieces of art, but (peak behind the curtain) they're really there to balance out the composition. I needed more white, and the rounded shapes felt fancy and clean, which seemed to fit Chandrila. I also wanted one side of the garden to be natural and blossoming (the FF side) and the other to be a little more artificial (the TIC side).

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 02/03/2022 4:47 am
Posts: 61
Rising Member Imperial Consortium

Wow, great lively build!

Posted : 02/03/2022 2:35 pm
RocketBoy reacted