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[Solved] (Ep. I - Cat C) Catch a Ride

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On route to the Summit, two ambassadors hitch a ride with a smuggler on her Corellian freighter, the Flying Fox. They share the cargo hold with the smuggler's Tarsunt right-hand man, and a Flulian Ambassador from a poor system, who had spent most of the trip watching the others in silence, their long-stalked eyes swiveling slowly towards each.

"Are you alright, Ambassador?"

The Bith, Roo Baarlb, watched his young mentor, Jalus Quinn, pace the cargo hold, hands clasped behind his back, boots ringing on the durasteel.

"What? Oh, I'm fine, just fine."

"You seem . . . Not well. We are prepared for the summit, are we not? We have worked hard to be ready."

"You're right about that. Yeah, we nailed this one, man. All that front-end effort you did is gonna pay off, big time. But nah, I'm not thinking about the preparation."

Roo tilted his bulbous head. 

Quinn chuckled, and finally stood still. "Don't worry about me, man. I'll be fit to fight, if you know what I mean."

"I am not worried about your competency. I have total faith in your abilities. I am just concerned, for my friend."

Quinn raised an eyebrow. "Just...thinking about the talks with the Empire. Like, we're just talking to them.  Part of me hates to waste an opportunity to push them off a sky-liner."

"Would this not cause a diplomatic incident?"

"Sure would. I'll hold back. Don't worry about me, Barlb."

"We Bith are not a violent species. I do not experience these compulsions. But I do understand that humans like yourself have a very powerful sense of justice. Pardon me if I am wrong, but I believe this to be the source of much of your activism. I admire this in you, Ambassador, and in your species as a whole."

"Hey, thanks. Sorry, wish I knew a bit more about Bith."

"We have time before landing for me to begin a brief explanation of Bith history, if you would like."

Thanks for looking!

This topic was modified 3 years ago by RocketBoy

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 28/02/2022 11:14 pm
The Stuartn
Posts: 216
Reputable Member New Republic 3rd Fleet

Amazing work, the amount of angles incorporated is very ambitious, yet all are executed really well, the design to is really nice.


Posted : 01/03/2022 12:28 am
RocketBoy reacted
Posts: 56
Rising Member Mandalorian

This is great, 
Is there an interior to the build?
The angles really work here and the new dishes as engine glow work perfectly.
Its a perfect SW Ship,

Posted : 02/03/2022 8:44 pm
Posts: 20
Rising Member New Republic 3rd Fleet

Was that a Borderlands joke?

Posted : 03/03/2022 4:23 pm
RocketBoy reacted
Posts: 229
Reputable Member Followers of the Force

So impressed by this. Very angular Star Wars look. Those dishes for the engines work really well with a hint of glow

Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order

Posted : 03/03/2022 7:50 pm
RocketBoy reacted
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

Great ship Sam!

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 05/03/2022 9:28 pm