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Being a senator while deaf is hard. Both senators, Uli and Daar, agree with this statement. Luckily, translator droids exist in the galaxy far far away. They talk to each other, and then send radio waves to their owners brain, where a chip is located, telling them what is happening. Is it very practical? Both senators claim it is, even though it works only in a 1 meter ratio. They can talk and hear thanks to them, which is very important when you are a senator. When they first met, about three years ago, they were both surprised when they learned they are both deaf. Now they are good friends. Today, they are meeting on Naboo, to discuss various topics they would like to bring up on the upcoming Chandrila summit.
Neat idea and execution, Aufik! Do you have a species in mind for the green guy?
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
Clever idea and nice detailed build, especially the doorway, it makes we wonder, is there such a thing as a guide droid, as opposed to a guide-dog?
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Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order