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The Queenmother stood, with a freshly-poured refreshment in hand, as she gazed out across the sea of lights that was always Hapes. Though they never had full night here, the city was bathed in an almost dusky dimness. Foot steps entered the room behind her.
'We've found him, Queenmother', a voice said, as it approached her side. It was the captain of her personal guard.
Two Hapan guards entered the court, with a man between them. They pushed him to his knees before the Queenmother, and she gave a wry smile. The man took in the feeling of the room, two people stood close to the Queenmother; they seemed to have a cautious atmosphere about them, and distrust showed on the young girl's face like a Bantha in a wide open field. standing a bit to the side, an attendant poured a drink for someone. A whirring movement caught his attention through the window, as a droid started cleaning the glass.
'Welcome', the Queenmother adressed the man with amusement. 'You are the Mandalorian called Hayk Kuarris, are you not?'
'Where is my droid?' Hayk demanded.
'Your droid is downstairs,' said the young girl, a captain of the Hapan royal guard. 'You will likely be reunited with your precious piece of scrap soon enough.'
'Is this how you treat all of your guests?' Hayk retorted.
'If you are who we suspect, would you not take the same cautions?' The Queenmother interjected, playfully.
'And who is it you suspect I am? I run a small shop on Celanon... who is this Hayk person that you would drag into your court like a criminal?'
'My apologies. We were under the impression you were the same Hayk Kuarris who fought in the Battle of Bastion, rumoured to have completed your mission with no casualties on either side, yet also managing to defeat a former Sith... Impressive enough in it's own right. After the battle, you eventually found your way to Celanon, where you purchased Yurk Hargin's Droid Repair shop, and have run it for months now.'
'Well, it seems like you know already, although, not all the facts are right. I think my ship counts as a casualty...' Hayk said light-heartedly, then continued after a pause, '...So, what is it that you want with me?'
'We would like to propose a deal. As I'm sure you are aware, there is a gathering on Chandrila, and, you may call me paranoid, but as such as Hapan customs are, I have been concerned that others in the Hapan court have been making deals with some other groups within the galaxy. Our closed borders have attracted the attention of a number of factions with more sinister intentions. First, I would like to request that you would escort myself, as well as the Hapan delegation to this council. We have also heard you are an accomplished Beskar-smith in this region of space, and I ask that you would make a sword for the Hapan royal family. Of course, you would also be well compensated,' the Queenmother gestured to a crate at the side of the room. Inside the crate, Hayk saw the familiar shimmer of light on metal. Beskar. It had been melted into bars. The Queenmother continued, leaning forwards in her throne slightly. 'Recently, our patrols intercepted an Imperial Remnant shuttle moving through our borders, and we confiscated this from the craft.'
'Don't you trust your own guards to keep you safe? Besides, I don't really need the work; I keep busy enough back on Celanon.
At this moment, the young lady standing beside the throne spoke up.
'I told you, mother. We can't rely on him. He...' She was interrupted by a loud squeak as the droid outside diligently scrubbed at the window, and she waved at the droid, signalling it to go away.
The Queenmother raised a hand slightly, and the young lady stepped back, and remained silent. The Queenmother smirked as the droid continued working.
'I've had a number of dealings with Naruun Vizsla; you are his foundling, right? How would he approve of one of his own turning their back on someone in need, not to mention a case full of Beskar? Naruun was an honourable man, and I hear your people are an honourable people. Would you put my daughter's mind at ease and answer: is this true?
'I can't speak for all of my people, but as for myself, yes. The terms are acceptable.'
Hayk waved at the droid and gave a warm smile. 'I could use a droid like this to clean the shop. He does his job well.' He glanced towards the Queen's daughter, who grinned sheepishly, turned towards the window, and gave a slight bow to the droid. The droid returned the gesture, and bubbled to himself in happy droid noises.

Love the story! That window cleaning droid is top notch.
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order
Nice Story Wombat! And I'm a big fan of that cleaning droid as well!
Great story.
Droid is a hightlight indeed, and the character design unique. Good build!
The droid does work incredibly well, but a great build throughout.
The corner build with wraparound window is really well executed alongside the interior detailing.
Looking forward to hearing more from Hapes,
Great angles. I wish you had spent a little more time with the build. It has potential, but feels a bit rushed.
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
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Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order