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Fragile peace in the newly formed New Republic.
The Galactic Senate was reestablished and headquartered on Chandrila, while Mon Mothma was elected as the first chancellor of the New Republic.
Representatives from different parts of the galaxy are invited to the meetings and to show their support in forming alliance.
However, without anyone noticing, the Dark Covenant has secretly sent out their Cultists, quietly observing every move the New Republic prepares. They do not, cannot and will not interfere.
Thank you for reading ! Hope you enjoy.
"Don't mind me, I'm just a hooded individual, nothing suspicious."
Really nice build, wiht lots of small little details.
And as always, there at least one senator more interested in food, than anything else.
Very nicely done, I really like that gold and white colour scheme and the artwork is spectacular. The sand-green chairs remind me a lot of the Australian parliament.
The details here are fascinating. I love how it all feels sort of 70s, perfect for Star Wars!
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order
[Admin] Your post has scored 18 XP
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order