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This is an entry for Category B
There are three things that are certain: Death, taxes, and corrupt politicians.
And they do love this life. Full of benefits, credits, free drinks and food. All this just to give supportive vote here or a rejection somewhere else. One might think that people rules people. No. Money rules people. But we are proud people! And we must act!
No one stopped us when we freely marched into new senate building, where traitors and liars calling themselves diplomats and politicians were gathering. We made way into the basement and started looking for the ventilation main maintenance hub. From there the 'Negotiator' will be able to spread his virus over the entire building equally when the deliberations would start. 'Negotiator' did his job well in a relatively short period of time.
Using Blue Shadow Virus made me uneasy, but I couldn't question Boss. Her eyes once again burned with maniacal zeal. There is no stopping now. Par Manda'yaim. Let's get out of here, before it starts spreading.
FYI: Those people does not represent the true Mando'ade. Those are remnants of Death Watch and are terrorists. We do not support their actions.
Great work, that floor design is nicely done and great detail below too
There are three things that are certain: Death, taxes, and corrupt politicians.
Amen to this 😅,
You've got some nice detail in this and I really like the discord between above/below here.
The floor and window really have that wealthy senator entertaining look and that when you go below ground the lbg profile bricks add a nice subtle detail here alongside the barrels and figure placement.
[Admin] Your post has scored 10 XP
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order