[Episode 1] Nuru En...
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[Solved] [Episode 1] Nuru Envoy

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New Member Chiss Ascendancy
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Old Captain Jone Summer was tall and gaunt. Their left eye sparkled metallic with a cybernetic replacement. The arm on the same side was covered in scars typical of those caused by burning. The other shoulder sported an intricate tattoo of 2 different strange creatures eating each other alive. The captain wore a baggy, sleeveless shirt and the same style vest that was so popular among the Corellians. Their pants were the only article of clothing they wore that was standard issue in the New Republic Navy. If not for the respect people had for them as captain of the Rancor’s Revenge, a modified white CR-90 corvette sporting yellow highlights, they would surely be reprimanded for their attire by the Admiral immediately.

The crew knew little of their history but they heard rumors that their backwater homeworld had been ravaged by the Empire after the discovery of a small Alliance to Restore the Republic cell. It was said that Jone was the only living member of that cell and it was assumed that they had survived an explosion. Because of their appearance, some speculated they had a history as a pirate.

Jone was a little on edge. They preferred the heat of combat to the kind of mission they had been ordered to today. The captain did not like politics and liked even less having to babysit them. At least that is how they thought of it. It reminded them of the tasks they liked the least from the old RPG war games they used to play on a datapad when they were younger, and admittedly still played, although they would never let that on. 

Jone stood staring through the main bridge viewport at the strange alien ship in front of them. This ship was the Nuru Envoy, a corvette analog from the second ruling family of the Chiss Ascendancy custom built specifically for diplomatic missions. It was a simple blue-gray color, its hull was organically shaped and slightly resembled a GR-45 or GR-75 medium transport but with 2 outstretched wing-like appendages pointing to its bow. The display in front of Jone showed it was just over 100 meters in length and appeared unarmed. Alongside this ship were 4 large starfighters. These fighters were reproductions of antique Chiss clawcraft and considered a classic model in the Ascendancy.

“Hail the Envoy

“Yes sir!” The term sir caused a slight eyebrow raise from Jone but they did not correct the young Rodian officer. It was their first day on the job.

“We have them on the line.”

Jone acknowledged the officer with a slight nod and turned to the holodisplay just as a form of a blue skinned figure with glowing red eyes formed. Her dark colored hair, though long, was tied back into a simple ponytail.

“Good day…” Jone paused for a half a second “Ma’am?”

“This is Masha'rola'nuruodo of the Second Ruling Family aboard the Nuru Envoy. It is an honor. I take it you are our courier?” 

“In a fashion. I am Captain Jone Summer of the Rancor’s Revenge.” It was now Masha’s turn to raise an eyebrow. Jone chose to ignore it.

Jone continued, “As your ally the New Republic is happy to assist you on your voyage to Chandrila should any action happen along the way.”

“We are hoping for no need for any er, ‘action’ to occur Captain. This is a diplomatic mission and with any luck a peaceful one.”

Jone tried, and almost failed to keep the disappointment out of their voice. “Don’t we all?”



This topic was modified 3 years ago 3 times by LukeSkybuilder
This topic was modified 3 years ago by Darth Bjorn
Posted : 28/02/2022 4:19 am
goatman461 and RocketBoy reacted
The Stuartn
Posts: 216
Reputable Member New Republic 3rd Fleet

Great ship design, all the angles are well executed and the colour schemes is nicely chosen, I like the starfighter design and the blockade runner is excellent


Posted : 01/03/2022 12:46 am
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

Superb ship! So cool to see well executed original designs.

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 01/03/2022 3:09 am
Posts: 33
Rising Member Pentastar Alignment

Great job! You're builds are super unique and very well done!

Posted : 01/03/2022 3:52 am
Posts: 56
Rising Member Mandalorian

Thats a great design, really like the look of that Chiss cruiser.
Its a really nice unique design - those wings jutting forward add a nice imposing touch

Posted : 17/03/2022 11:21 am
Posts: 229
Reputable Member Followers of the Force

Really nice ship design and having the blockage runner alongside really helps to convey the scale 

Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order

Posted : 19/03/2022 5:06 am
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

Great ship design, and interesting angle on the wings. 👍 

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 29/03/2022 5:56 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

[Admin] Your post has scored 13 XP

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 01/04/2022 9:31 pm