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Chandrila, home of cross Faction negotiations.
Since the Galaxy was shook by Pyerce and the Imperial resurgence, the Galaxy came together to form community.
Not everyone was happy that other parties had taken the invitation.
Without fanfare, off shore, The Mando'ade had made landfall and repurposed an old Mandalorian safe house from where they would begin negotiating with the others.
As The Duchess, Chief of the Clans, awaited guests a blaster bolt erupted across the water!
To her right, a speeder bike exploded as the Duchess' Landspeeder cut across the waves as Mandalorians came to defend the Duchess and her retinue.Â
An Imperial assassination attempt!
As the Mando'ade made short work of the assailants, the hunt for the instigators would begin...
Did I mention the base was hinged for varying display opportunities? The water and action was built and positioned to work in both configurations.
This is the one with all the hammers!
I've liked the idea of building a safe house for the Mandalorians on a distant planet for sometime, and I've wanted to build with a seed part of Mjolnir for some time and this seemed like a great point to do it!
To support this, I needed a base but in construction of this and this reminded me of Set 6077, Forestmen's River Fortress and so I used this as inspiration.
A defensive tower, sat in the water with a shoreline close to hand.Â
I hope you pick up the subtle references and find the Golden Frog hidden in the build!
Action shot as the speeder pulls away:
Had a lot of fun constructing the details in this!
RHS detail:Â
Reverse (closed):Â
Reverse (Open), Mythosaur skull adorns the atrium: [url= https://flic.kr/p/2n5UTnL ][img]
LHS, The Mjolnir piece on display on the stairwell:
Imperials under attack. I'm really pleased with the blasts as they are just about to impact upon the water:
Thanks for reading!
Great base and tribute.
Damn those remnant forces are amateurs 😀Â
Amount of hammers in this build is.... Hammering 😀
Very dynamic scene. Great speeder and building.
ARGO Industries employee
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Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order