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On the shores of Theed, representative Niala of Naboo and her entourage, ceremoniously await the arrival of their fellow Gungan delegates prior to their trip to Chandrilla for the Republic Summit.
As their old friends emerge from the water, it is impossible for both sides not to feels a sense unity and sacrifice from those that have come before them. Relics and statues, great reminders of the last time they overcame their differences in the name of peace and freedom.
Niala stretches out her hand to the gungan representative, Par Nass and accepting her welcome, the two share a look to the Peace orb once offered from Queen Amidala to Boss Nass.
They both realize, that now is the time for them to stand together once more and share a unified voice within this New Republic.
This is beautiful, you've captured the Naboo aesthetic perfectly! Also really interesting story to accompany it 👍
The color transitions and lines are very satisfying. A great overall build and center focal point with the
O R B.
@shockwave-bricks thanks! Naboo is very different from my previous builds so was a lot of fun to do something like this!
Love all the references especially that orb, which I had completely forgotten about. Those green roofs work really well and the curved walls create a nice scene.
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
Super beautiful scene, typical Naboo. The glowing orb is great!
ARGO Industries employee
I'm commenting only to say I'm speechless!
Great build.
Extremely well done, it certainly captures the naboo aesthetics.