Eradicator over Ana...
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Eradicator over Anaxes

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Admiral Rath
Posts: 62
Trusted Member Protectorate of Kalarba Faction Leader
Topic starter

The War College of Anaxes, one of the most prestigious naval academies in the galaxy, had a problem. Simply put, they had seen a sharp decrease in students and applications following the battle of Endor. Where previously the Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire had sent numerous cadets to the War College to become officers, the lack of a clear central power had caused those numbers to decline.

The Imperial Consortium had a very different problem; with the growing success of Project Revival came a demand for new officers, and unfortunately the Consortium lacked a proper academy to train them. Fearing that Anaxes would soon side with the Crimson Empire or the New Republic, Consortium High Command elected to send several high ranking alumni abord a top of the line cruiser as ambassadors. With any luck, they would be able to convince the War College to join the Imperial Consortium and train new officers.

Posted : 10/09/2023 1:34 am
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

A little messy, but I see what you were going for. This is the kind of build that can really be kicked up a notch with some intentional, dramatic lighting. Well done!

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 23/10/2023 9:34 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
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GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 24/10/2023 8:18 pm