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Posted : 03/02/2022 10:52 pm
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
Posted : 03/02/2022 10:59 pm
Images gets stretched a bit
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
Posted : 03/02/2022 11:01 pm
Topic starter
the top ones i pasted from the flickr download option, the bottom ones were pasted from EB
couldn't figure out how to do columns so the descriptions could align with the pictures
Posted : 03/02/2022 11:09 pm
Chiss Expansionary Defense Force Fleet Flag Officer (combat gear)
The Chiss Ascendancy is protected by the ever watchful CEDF. Flag Officers are ceremonially stripped of their family ties and name to serve the entire Ascendancy. To attack a CEDF Flag Officer is to declaration of war on the Chiss people, and grounds for complete annihilation.
Chiss CEDF Salvage Technician (zero-G gear)
The Chiss are always thirsty for new technology, from their neighbors, enemies, and beyond, to maintain their military superiority. Salvage crews can make quick work of the most obscure space debris.
New Republic Starhawk Command Crewman (with mouse droid)
The honored Rebellion made way for a fearless batch of recruits to the New Republic Fleet. Knowing the cost of tyranny, these noble warriors ceaselessly guard against any growing Imperial threat.
CorSec Technician (with TR-ED)
Tired of rolling over toes, TR-ED found the right CS technician to build him a slimmer profile so he could stay close to the action.
Chiss Expansionary Fleet Naporar Jungle Warfare Instructor
The finest military in the Galaxy requires dedicated and battle-hardened instructors. Survivalist training on Naporar is sure to challenge the most resilient Chiss. Luckily the finest medicenter is close by.
Chiss Expansionary Fleet Jungle Combat for Hostile Environments (heavy armor with charric)
Special credit to Sam for pointing out Timothy Zahn's obvious affinity for Dune and suggesting we carry that aesthetic over to the CA. He also came up with the charric design...
Tropical Warfare Observer - Followers of the Force
Always on the lookout for a beleaguered people, the Followers of the Force have many scouts looking for opportunities for humanitarian aide. Sometimes those scouts are sentient birds that forsake the vibrant colors of their feathers for a more subtle presentation.
Biological Collection and Research Specialist - Sorroco Guild
Diverse ecologies throughout the galaxy leave a lot of opportunities for new medicines from both native flora and fauna. However, safe passage in these regions require specialists to hold their own, or choose from a sketchy list of pirates to guide them.
Chiss Warrior (ceremonial gear)
The ancient traditions of the Chiss are not without pomp and circumstance.
Chiss Warrior (boarding party gear, with charric)
The Chiss love to gather intel. Sometimes that means taking a lot of risks to board a ship and destroy the crew man to man.
Credit to Sam for the charric design and Dune inspiration.
Iridonian Warrior - the Imperial Consortium
Following the occupation of Iridonia by the Triumvirate, some found an avenue for more profitable ventures through the Imperial ranks. Now auxiliary troopers in a wider conflict, they can be found probing the borders of Imperial territory and throughout the Outer Rim.
New Republic Rangers - New Republic Starhawk Command
Cordell Walker is a veteran
TexasRanger who protectsDallasthe New Republic from the bad guys and believes in dealing with them the old fashioned way (fighting them). He also works on instincts from the childhood he lived onan Indiana Tusken Reservation with his uncle Ray, after the death of his parents.Chiss Nobility - House Nuru (with Warmglobe)
Though secretive, the Chiss regularly welcome visiting merchants and alien delegates to their home world of Csilla. The frozen planet is said to house 8 billion Chiss, mostly underground, but maintaining the thriving capitol.
Chiss Planetary Defense (Csilla post)
Serving the security detail on the surface of Csilla is not the most comfortable post. (Dune/Sam inspired) Harsh climate suits allow the warriors to survive, but not happily.
Imperial Knight - Pentastar Alignment
When you're one of the mean girls, but you're pretty darn good at it...
Exotic Merchant - Black Sun
Sometimes to get the good stuff you have to get around the laws. Sometimes that's through a friendly face just trying to offer a valuable service.
Some kind of mechanic
A zany Alien from the Chaos (area around Chiss Space)
A fancy lad from the Followers of the Force
A mysterious alien...
Full Series Below