"Dareth, I told you we were meant to go left there, but no. . . would you listen to me?"
"If I listened to you we would be halfway to Tatooine by now."
"That's right, it wouldn't matter what I say. I'm always wrong."
"Honey. . . that's not fair. You're spoiling our relaxing vacation".
"You spoiled it when you wouldn't read the map".
"Maps are for idiots".
"Well then, genius. Where in the Force's name are we now?"
"- Mum! Cuddles needs to pee".
"Oh why did we take that dank-ferricking Corerelian hound with us?"
"Just find a place to pull over Dareth Francis Andromederius Schnoot!"
"You know I hate it when you use my middle names! Some relaxing road trip this turned out to be".
As a note to judges, all three of my LTC entries combine to make one larger Chandrillan cityscape.
Thank you for viewing, any comments and feedback are welcome!