Fighting in the Out...
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Fighting in the Outskirts

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Admiral Rath
Posts: 62
Trusted Member Protectorate of Kalarba Faction Leader
Topic starter

The 163rd was already deployed on Prakith, at the request of Foga Brill himself, so there was no need to secure a landing site. Instead, the 163rd blazed a trail through the defenses surrounding the Protectorate's capital city. Governor Brill’s grip on Prakith was tight, but he focused too much on keeping his subjects in line. As such, his holdings were relatively undermanned, and the 163rd had no issue advancing on the capital. As far as the defenders were concerned, the 163rd was supposed to be clearing out enemies of the Empire, so why would they now assail the capital city?

Sergeant Minno was a practical man, and therefore preferred personally leading his squad into battle. He was also tactically adept for an non-commissioned officer, and had experience fighting separatist holdouts and rebel insurgents. His squad was the third of Garnet Platoon and was tasked with sapping and demolitions. Minno’s family worked in construction, so he was familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of most types of structures. Moving ahead of the Consortium’s vanguard, Squad Three Garnet worked quickly to destroy or disable any critical defenses, engaging any Protectorate forces along the way.

Posted : 21/11/2023 3:46 am
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Followers of the Force Faction Leader

I like this little build! You've used some nice techniques in that diamond-shaped window and I like the door and the circular stack. My one real criticism is, in the words of Kylo Ren, "MORE!" More texture, more color, terrain work.

Posted : 11/03/2024 4:59 pm