Fire and Brimstone ...
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Fire and Brimstone (Part I)

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
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Fire and Brimstone (Part I)

YT-3100 Cargoweb-class Communication Intercept

“Captain. The readings are off the chart. There’s something massive hidden in those clouds. I’ll try to get us closer.”---*switches being flicked*---*static noise*---“I can’t get a clear read from our coms. Something is jamming us!”---*static noise*---“Karabast! Look at that thing. It’s colossal!! Still not getting any readings!”---*static noise*---“Turn us around, major! We need to get this through to the fleet.”---*static noise*---“CAN’T! Caught in a tractor beam!”---*static noise*---”WHERE DID THAT DESTROYER COME FROM!?!”---*coms intercept terminated*


The Grand Admiral Zsinj pushed his belly against the polished black table, and turned on the holoprojector. “The station is almost ready. Final systems are resetting now. It will be back online within the hour.”

Grand Moff Cerato bared his teeth in a vicious smile. “Good! This will bring an end to the pitiful stand against our claim!”

The Admiral looked past the hologram, at the dark warrior patiently waiting to report. “Azrakel! What is it?” The dark warrior looked up. “I’ve intercepted a cargo shuttle entering the sector. The registration suggests it is a Mining Guild vessel, but the coms I intercepted is suggesting otherwise. I suspect we have New Republic special forces in our net. No transmissions were sent, but they may have a last location ping.”

Moff Cerato tapped the table with his cane a few times. “It doesn’t matter now! They’ll know soon enough… See to it that these New Republic scum are dealt with! Release the other inquisitors if you have to.” The dark warrior nodded and left the room.

“Ah! It’s ready.” The Admiral switched off the holo, and turned towards the viewport.

This would be a day long remembered by the New Republic...


Part II coming soon... 😉

[The CE faction applies the Shipyard Asset on this build]

Check out additional details in the photos below.

Ekstra photos

A more detailed view of Brimstone Station. Simple idea really. Super weapon that emits a powerful wave that increases the temperature of a planet's core until...

Point this end towards the planet...

The intercepted undercover New Republic ship.

Rear view.

Inspiration from this design:

From left to right: Grand Moff Krant Cerato, one of Zsinj's Raptors, Warlord Zsinj, another one of Zsinj's Raptors, and a mouse droid.


This topic was modified 1 year ago 3 times by Darth Bjorn

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 19/10/2023 1:40 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader
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This entry has earned 36XP

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 24/10/2023 9:04 pm