First Steps
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[Solved] First Steps

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Comander Rovern
Posts: 80
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On a Previously Desolate Landing Pad On Wayland.....

"Sorry that I am late Ma'am, our trek here a little harder than expecting with the landscape."- Said Comander Ron.

"No worries commander, we are all learning here and the information you gathered will help us greatly with our operation. How were the Smugglers anyways?"- Asked Junior Director Lexi. 

"They were very helpful. They will be great allies in our conquering of this planet. They informed me more about Ca'both's forces and about the problems within the Jungle."- Replied Commander Ron. 

"Good, I would love to learn more, I was just about to tell Kerga about his mission."- Said Junior Director Lexi. 

"By all means, go ahead, I am sorry for interrupting you."- Replied Commander Ron. 

"Do not be sorry. As I was saying Kerga, you will be tasked with the help of Commander Rovern and the Smugglers, destroying the pirate threat and eliminating any other threats we may encounter. For now though, I want you to take a squad of troopers and do a brief perimeter check until the Comander gets down."- Explained Junior Director Lexi. 

"Yes Ma'am, I will get my troopers on it right away."- Replied Lt. Kerga. 

"Thank you. So Comander Ron, please tell me more about what you learned."- Asked Junior Director Lexi. 

"Of course. So about Ca'both. His forces are a coalition of ex-imperials who left Mt. Tantis after Jakku and locals who I assume, have some form of blasters at their disposal because of the ex-imps. His domain is the city and small collection of villages around Mt. Tantis with the rest of the planet in a power struggle between the pirates you were informing Kerga about and some renegade tribes. That is about all I was informed on."- Replied Commander Ron. 

"That is a great deal of information commander! Thank you for informing me, this will defiantly help the Director and I when we deal with Ca'both. Please, take the rest of the day to rest as you will have a busy couple of months ahead of you helping us with dealing with Ca'both. From now on, I want you to be apart of my personal staff."- Said Junior Director Lexi. 

"Thank you for the great honor Ma'am! I will not fail you. Hail the Empire, Hail the Society!"- Replied Commander Ron 

"I enjoy your enthusiasm Commander. Ah! Looks like the scout is back."- Said Junior Director Lexi.

"Junior Director."- Said Tk- 8764. 

"At ease trooper. What have you collected?"- Asked Junior Director Lexi.

"The main city surrounding Mt. Tantis is about 30 klicks North-East from here. There is a small garrison of Ca'both's forces sounding the city but not surrounding the smaller villages around the city. If you are wanting to talk to Ca'both, I would suggest that you take a good sized group of troopers so that if fighting breaks out, we will be prepared."- Replied Tk- 8764.

"Thank you trooper. I will com the Director and we will get to that right away."- Said Junior Director Lexi. 

"My pleasure Junior Director."- Said Tk- 8764. 

"Ok, Trax, I need to to get a squad of troopers ready so that we can do a perimeter check.'- Said Lt. Targa. 

"Yes sir, I will get onto that right away. Do you want any of the new blasters we received from the Maw?"- Asked Tk- 5730 (Trax) 

"Yes! Those will do nicely in destroying vast amounts of holdouts if needed."- Replied Lt. Targa. 

"Yes sir! I will get to that right away."- Said Tk- 5730 (Trax) 


"Ok, looks like it has been set."- Said Tk- 0912.

"Yup, now we just have to power it on"- Replied Tk- 7823.

*Vroom* (powering up)

"Great! Now we can defend this really well if need be. This is a pretty barbaric planet after all."- Said Tk- 0912. 

"That is true. However, I can not believe that we are going to be installing a new academy here. We will finally be able to restore order."- Replied Tk- 7823.

"12 and 23, we are going to be doing a perimeter check so let's go!"- Shouted Asked Tk- 5730 (Trax) 

"Yes sir!"- Said Tk- 7823 and Tk- 0912. 

"Ok, looks like the coms are up. That took longer than expected, never would think that the atmosphere would interfere with coms set up."- Mumbled Phil. 

"Phil! Are this coms up yet!"- Yelled Junior Director Lexi. 

"Yes Ma'am, just got them up."- Replied Phil. 

"Great. Please tell the Director that we will be making our way to the main city and that he can send the doctors and their team to start hauling the stuff out of Mt. Tantis."- Said Junior Director Lexi. 

"Yes Ma'am. I will get to that right away."- Replied Phil.

"Ok, now that everything is in order, let's get going to the main city so we can talk to Ca'both. This truly feels like the start of something great, I can not wait to see what is in store."- Concluded Junior Director Lexi...


From Left to Right: Tk- 0912, Tk- 7823, Tk- 5730 (Trax), Tk- 9873, Tk- 5320, Commander Ron, Junior Director Lexi, Lt. Targa, Phil, Tk- 8764

Hello my fellow builders! This is finally it, the start of my Wayland Storyline! This has been in the works for a while and I had to put it off multiple times because life just got busy. Hopefully I will be able to focus more time to building as things are finally starting to cool down. I greatly thank my great Faction Leader, Bjorn for his patience and I promise you, I will not disappoint. Overall, this build was fun to create as I built it entirely with the SNOT technique which was a fun challenge. I also got to do some free form on the side which was also fun! Anyways, as always, I hope you enjoy the read and build and until next time comrades. Hail the Empire Hail the Society!

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn
Posted : 16/10/2022 7:18 pm
Posts: 229
Reputable Member Followers of the Force

Nice build. I think an area to improve would be the tan free form - the changes in terrain are too sharp for my liking.

Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order

Posted : 20/10/2022 7:28 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
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GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 19/11/2022 11:50 am