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[Flashback LTC] Endor Patrol: The unexpected message

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New Member Imperial Consortium
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Just prior to the rebel infiltration of the imperial outpost on the moon of Endor something seemed off. A change in protocol and an increase in native disruption. As a result all forces were left on high alert and spread thin through the deep forests of Endor.  Stormtrooper seargant TK- 4659, A.K.A. Jak, had been assigned with a district that neither him or his men were familiar with only in the hopes of hearing about a shift in location. However when a call came it was not the one they were expecting.


It was an open comms message, Rebel forces have been sighted.

A sudden change in heart made us regret our negativity, anything we could have been given was better than what we were to face.

Throughout the day we were relocated to aid other efforts however after assisting the special attack team inferno squad in their gory escape nothing could have prepared us for the night. Even though the rebel threat was still a problem the night awakened something in these little critters. A side so dark it would leave a mark on a grown man’s brain. However it took more than that. Once the end of the night was in sight after many soldiers of the empire had fallen we had been given co ordinates to our extraction zone.


Once the end was upon us a little critter jumped on top of me and started clawing at my helmet until it got to my face. Scratch after scratch until all I heard was a sizzle. I could only see through one eye but it was all I needed. This creature lay dead on the floor and I came up out of the ashes stronger.


Till this day I still wear the scratches on my helmet as a reminder. Pain would always come  at a cost for victory. Long live the empire!

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This topic was modified 2 years ago by ct_builds
Posted : 13/05/2023 10:25 pm
Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 29/05/2023 7:25 pm