[Flashback LTC] Mom...
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[Flashback LTC] Moments Before Disaster

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Trusted Member Haelos Star Yards
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  Hayk said farewell to Snorple, and turned his attention to the warm tea in his hand. He took a step out of the Smorks' workshop, onto the streets of Celanon... only, it wasn't Celanon, nor did Hayk find himself on a street.

  He quickly surveyed his surroundings, finding he was in a narrow corridor. The walls were grey, and militaristic, Imperial, if Hayk had to guess.

  'Looks like the Smorks left the door open to the wrong place again...' Hayk muttered, to himself. Or, at least he thought he was muttering to himself, until he realized there was someone else in the corridor with him.

  'Who are you?', the other figure interrogated.

  Suddenly, the corridor shuddered, and a loud, tinny female voice resounded through the internal comms system. Death Star reactor damaged. Critical failure in five minutes.

  Hayk had heard 'Death Star' before, but none of the stories he'd heard ended well...

  Hayk looked back towards the door he'd come through, which, thankfully, still opened onto the Smorks' shop. He looked at the Imperial soldier where he assumed his eyes would be, and gestured towards the door.

  'Follow me if you want to live.'

  As he said the words, the station shook again, and after only a moments' hesitation, the Imperial trooper lowered his blaster, and moved towards the door.

  As Hayk spun back the way he came, he caught a glimpse out a window down the hall. He saw a white Lambda-class shuttle speeding away towards a small forested planet. As he stepped through the doorway, a thought started to grow in his mind.


  In the relative safety of the Smorks' workshop, the trooper sat down on a crate. He seemed to be in a bit of a daze, unsure of where he was, but aware enough of the danger he had escaped not to complain about it.

  Hayk rushed over to Snorple, who seemed slightly surprised to see the two visitors.

  'I think your doorway was set to the wrong place. I could swear that the planet I saw there was the moon of Endor.'

  'Improbable! Smorks haven't had gateway active in Endor system since second Death Star was destroyed. Not active in years.'

  'Well,' Hayk remarked, 'unless an Imperial remnant has built another Death Star, we were just on the Death Star orbiting Endor.'

  The trooper must have overheard some of the conversation, and piped up.

  'Remnant? Yeah, that was Endor... the Rebels must have made it to the reactor.'

  'But that was ten years go,' Snorple exclaimed.

  'What do you mean?' the trooper questioned. Hayk replied, not sure how to break the news to the man he'd just rescued.

  'The second Death Star was destroyed about ten years ago during the Battle of Endor. Compared to where we just were, you are ten years in the future.

  The trooper sat hard on the crate again.

  A look of wonder crossed Snorple's face, and he slowly started to put words together.

  'Only twice. Has only happened twice in all of Smork history. Most times, doorways connect two place, but some time, doors connect more than just place... also time. Only happened twice before. Some kind of glitch left from the species who first built gateways. Somehow connects to strange place where one can walk through time.'

  'Is there any way to do it again?' Hayk asked, looking back towards the now-closed door with a pained look.

  Snorple knew exactly what Hayk was thinking.

  'Can not be controlled. Has only happened three times over thousands of years. Did not know Naruun, but Snorple knows your pain, and Snorple is so sorry.'

  The little Smork approached Hayk with his arms wide, and embraced Hayk around the waist.



Posted : 12/05/2023 3:50 am
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader

Nice wall textures, and the lights are a great touch!

Posted : 17/07/2023 12:37 pm
Spud The Viking
Posts: 322
Reputable Member Akko Missions Faction Leader

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This post was modified 2 years ago by Spud The Viking

Leader of Akko Missions | GM

Posted : 19/07/2023 2:36 pm