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[Flashback LTC] Opposing Agents

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Admiral Rath
Posts: 62
Trusted Member Protectorate of Kalarba Faction Leader
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Sector Nineteen, Senate District, Imperial Center, three days post-Endor

The streets were in chaos; news of the Emperor’s death had been intentionally delayed, but little could be done to stop rebel informants. As soon as the capital knew what had occurred at Endor, an uprising began. First, a mob stormed one of several smaller garrisons in the lower levels. Next, statues and monuments began to fall. Now, the dregs and low-lifes of Coruscant had set their sights on the Senate district.

They couldn’t possibly hope to accomplish anything, there were too many Imperial Troops in the area. For alliance agent Neman Dae, that hardly mattered, all he needed was a good distraction. He slipped through a window that had been conveniently smashed open by a chuck of duracrete, and casually strolled over to a data terminal. This was supposed to be a secure facility, but it seemed he had all the time in the galaxy. There was one specific thing he was after, he would just have to find it; Neman began sifting through a long list of projects and operations: Project Cataclysm, Project Acies, Operation Cinder, Project Inferno, Project Altilium, Operation Spearhead, Project Mobilitas, Project Harpoon, Operation Closure…

Finally he found it, Operation Resilience, a contingency plan set in place for the unlikely event of Palpatine’s death.

In the midst of the riot threatening to overwhelm her position, ISB agent Carina Valynn was remarkably calm; her training with COMPNOR and the ISB had covered situations like this, and she knew it was important to maintain her composure. The stormtroopers surrounding her were unlikely to notice either way, but the handful of CompForce troopers needed to see that there was no real danger. Palpatine’s death was likely a fabrication anyway, there was nothing to be afraid of. As long as they did their job with confidence and precision, everything would be over in a matter of hours.

She activated her electrostaff, taking the place of a stormtrooper as he was knocked to the ground; other stormtroopers began firing into the crowd, driving them back. Perhaps this would all end sooner than anticipated…


A fun build that introduces a new character while providing a name and a little background for another. There may or may not be some forshadowing with the project names

Posted : 12/05/2023 9:41 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
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GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 29/05/2023 5:57 pm