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[Flashback LTC] The Double-Cross

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Captain Havok
Posts: 140
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau Faction Leader
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War is a messy game. When you’re in it, you can’t see two feet in front of you and a sharp drop is only ever a mis-step away. It’s only after the fact that the outcome seems clear. 10 years go by and suddenly the lights are on: The winners are heroes and the losers are locked up. Somewhere in midst of celebration, all the ambiguity gets smoothed out. That’s what happened on Cloud City. The battle between the Imperial occupiers and the rebel guerrillas seemed futile for a time. It was like a secret civil war between the Bespin population. Every day Imperial informants turned in their neighbours while traitors to the rebellion disappeared into the clouds below the city. Then one day, word reached the island in the sky - the Emperor was dead and his battle station was gone with him. The effect on the population wasn’t immediate. Before word could spread, Governor Adelhard established an Iron Blockade over the entirety of the Anoat sector, shutting down travel and communications in and out of Cloud City. Rebels were to be rounded up and shot in greater numbers. Then when the garrison began to pull out, open warfare erupted in the streets. The future of Cloud City was clear and the Empire was not apart of it.


As the sound of celebrations drifted up to Prime Tower, Tara Dystra and Gar Vane checked their weapons while waiting for Lobot’s next order. He had done well to get them this far into Ubrik Adelhard’s private residence. Gar was sure the access hatch wouldn’t open but so far the operation had gone off without a hitch. Now that they were inside, it was up to them to capture Adelhard. The fire in Gar’s eyes made it clear to Tara that for him, capture would not be an option. This war had already claimed the lives of both his brothers. Finally Lobot’s order transmitted to their watches and the two rebels moved through the residence. Gar went upstairs and Tara swept downstairs. Tara entered the courtyard as Gar climbed through the upstairs window.

“The stove is still warm. He must have just left” cursed Gar. “Any sign of him, Tara?”

As Tara turned the corner she locked eyes with a uniformed figure she recognised as the Governor. She inhaled quickly but refrained from raising her pistol. He did the same. 

“All clear downstairs” she said risking a glance up at Gar.

“Shit shit shit” Gar ranted, heading back inside to give Lobot a status report.

“Much appreciated” he whispered with a grin. “I won’t forget this…Tara”

She turned and walked back through the door she’d come in, unsure if she had made the right move. 

“Mission failed Lobot” she spoke into her watch. “Adelhard’s in the wind.”


Thanks for reading! Feedback is welcome.

Here is the first build featuring Agent Tara 

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This topic was modified 2 years ago by Captain Havok

Bryx Security Bureau | Faction Leader

Posted : 14/05/2023 6:17 am
Posts: 231
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau

Cool archeture! 

Posted : 18/05/2023 7:05 pm
Darth Bjorn
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GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 29/05/2023 7:22 pm