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[Solved] Flashback to Naboo: Bek‘s Workshop

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    Night had fallen, Meego had spent most of the day meditating by the stream leading to the waterfall. Thus, he fell asleep quickly. His subconscious, remembering what Noko said, took him back to his former life in Nimbotén, when he did have someone to trust…

    Bek looked highly unimpressed. 

“Hey buddy, care to explain this?” she asked, pointing at Meego’s banged-up speeder. 

Meego looked at her shyly. 

This is embarrassing, he thought. 

“O-oh, a gungan rammed me. He-e was going over the speed limit. C-can you fix it?” he replied.

Bek looked over the small, one-rodian mailspeeder. She nodded, then went into her small, hole in the wall shop to get some tools. She immediately began to work on it. Meanwhile, Meego stood there awkwardly.

“H-h-how long will it take?” he asked, hesitantly. 

No response.

“H-hello?” he stammered.

“Oh, you’re still here? Sorry. Hmmm, check back in a few hours, pay me then. Oh, and ya still owe me credits for your last repair.”

“O-o-ok” he stammered. He wasn’t looking forward to delivering the day’s mail on foot. As he walked away, Bek went back to work on the speeder, humming a cheery tune while she realigned the frame. 


A Few Hours Later, unbeknownst to Meego…

A figure sauntered into the shop, his long, worn robes bringing in dust. He had happened upon this shop by pure chance, but it gladdened him, he had to settle someone else’s—a friend, he hoped—debt. The mechanic had been snoozing, but woke up, sneezing from the dust. 

“Who’re you? No credits, scram.” she said indignantly.

The robed figure looked down at her and said sarcastically, “By the state of your clothes, I wouldn’t think you're rich either, kid. Anyways, I have a debt to pay, for one of your customers of course.”

He offered his hand from the fold of his robes. Bek took it and grunted as the figure helped her up. She wiped her hand on her jumpsuit and then grabbed a tool, just in case.

“Mind telling me who?” she replied.

“Well, let me see if I can remember. Oh, yeah! A young rodian, he was in here earlier?” he asked. His voice didn’t seem unkind, but his words, that was another story.

Bek gritted her teeth and made show of the metal tool as she advanced upon the grimy figure standing, “What did you do to Meego?!”

“Woah kid! Put the wrench down, you don’t wanna fight me!” He laughed. “I did nothin’ to him, just helpin’ him make his life more than running mail.” he replied, then he shrugged and proceeded to continue as if Bek wasn’t threatening him with a metal wrench. “Anyways, here’s what Meego owes ya. That covers it? Also,” the disheveled man said as he pulled out a bag full of credits. “Keep the speeder, he ain’t gonna need it.” 

After handing a surprised Bek a large chunk of money, the figure walked out. Bek called after him.

“Hey, sir! This is more than Meego owed.”

“Keep the change, kid,” the figure replied kindly, as he walked around a corner. Bek pocketed the large sum of credits, she wasn’t going to turn down credits even if she didn’t know what to make of the stranger’s odd generosity. She hoped Meego was alright. 

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This topic was modified 3 years ago by RocketBoy
Posted : 22/02/2022 3:20 am
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

Great building and speeder. I love the weathering on the wall, but the layering confuses me a bit as to which layer is the outer and inner layer.

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 05/03/2022 1:46 pm
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@darth-bjorn Thanks! The tan is the outer layer, d tan is the inner layer.

I based it on the main courtyard at Burg Eltz.

Posted : 06/03/2022 4:42 am
Posts: 21
New Member Followers of the Force

Love the build, especially Meego’s mailSpeeder! 

Posted : 06/03/2022 8:49 am
Talus reacted
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Posted : 09/03/2022 4:45 am