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Gladiator-Class Star Destroyer | Imperial Conquest Continued

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Senate (Max)
Posts: 38
Rising Member Pentastar Alignment Faction Leader
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“Captain Vancil, you have my full confidence. You have great experience and I hope you will serve Lord Valtros as well as you have these last few years for me.”

The words came from the holographic image of General Alphaeus Menall aboard the bridge of the Gladiator-Class Star Destroyer, Champion

“Thank you, sir,” responded Vancil, “How are things over at Christophsis?”

“The Garrisons are going up throughout the system, and the Church is winding down their attacks, but there is still much work to be done. Regardless, I have the far less important assignment of the two of us. How far out are you from the target?” 

“About an hour out. Lord Valtros’ plans have been excellent and I hear Admiral Rath is sending ships as well.”

“Indeed,” answered Menall, “Well, I’ll let you get back to your attack. The Church decided to send us a few more surprises. When this mess is sorted out, I’ll head straight there to reinforce you.”

Menall signed off and Captain Vancil was left alone in the bridge to prepare for the coming attack. Fighting the New Republic with a weakened and barely united group of Imperials was bold and dangerous, but the Consortium had made it work. First had come the attack on Hosnian Prime, and while that attack had gone well at first, New Republic vessels had quickly driven off the Imperials and established their first blockade of the system. Undeterred, another attack was launched on the core world of Chandrila. This attack had gone much better, though the New Republic's forces still managed to push the Empire back to the skies. Now, a heated fight was being waged above the planet’s surface. The skies were filled with Imperial Ships from many Remnants, all agreeing to fight for the chance to strike at one of the core planets of the New Republic. Both sides had launched immense resources into the battle, but it was the New Republic who had managed to launch their second Blockade before the Imperials could. The remaining Imperial Ships were stuck in the blockade of an Interdictor-cruiser and seemed ready to launch all remaining starfighters into the fray. Battle, it seemed, was imminent. Good thing Vancil and the rest of Lord Valtros’ fleet were only an hour away from their target. 

“We’re coming out of hyperspace, sir!” shouted a technician to Vancil’s right.

“Transmission to all battle carriers, sir” reported another.

“Good,” respond Captain Vancil, “Put the transmission through.”

Nodding, the technician turned to his work station and pressed a button. Immediately, a robotic voice began playing over the bridge. Vancil could only assume the same message was being sent to the other Carriers in Valtros’ group.


Vancil nodded briskly to his squadron captain who nodded in return and returned to the hangar. After she had left, Vancil ordered his ship to form up with the others and turned to face the open viewpoint and the Consortium’s imposing target.





Judging Notes

This Destroyer is a build based on the Fantastic Fractalsponge’s artwork of the Gladiator-class Star Frigate. It features a full underside, full engine-bank, and a microscale hangar interior. Top base hull panels are held in place by technic pins and plates, while the underside panels and all other hull pieces utilize either bars and clips or mixel joints. It was a lot of fun building this one, and I hope you all enjoy it!


This topic was modified 2 years ago by Senate (Max)
Posted : 06/08/2023 8:01 pm
Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 21/08/2023 7:42 pm