Imperial Army Private Max Stryyder was not thinking about the heavy stun cuffs on his wrists, or the throbbing headache from the stun blast he'd suffered when the New Republic troopers had overrun his supply detail. He wasn't thinking about the impossibility of escape from the brig of a Star Cruiser, or the blaster trained on his back by the NRSC security trooper behind him. What he was thinking about, and in excruciating detail, was a list of all the ways they were surely going to torture him. After all, they were terrorists! Waterboarding, a rack, the sonic chamber... each image was more vivid than the last in his mind. But above all, he thought....
Emperor save me - I hope they don't use probes!
Behind him, fleet security officer Jorri Telna fiddled with the stun settings on the cuff's controller.
Oh good, another idiot from Imperial Logisitics. When are we going to capture someone useful? Or at least interesting. Maybe I should volunteer for Ground Forces....
Great textures on that wall, mmm
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