The Imperials were back on Iridonia, same planets, different ideas. The Consortium soldiers combed through the towns and villages in search of Baltaca Clan members, who were rumored to have been using the planet as a large-scale black market weapons distribution operation. We'd run into the clan a few times prior to this, on Byblos and Vardos but they continued to pop up where they weren't wanted. Iridonia seemed like a much more controlled situation by the opposing side, spmething that could put us at a great disadvantage if not handled properly.
As squad delta approached a small farmhouse on the edge of the village, they noticed something suspicious. The house appeared to be abandoned but muffled voices could be heard on the inside. The squad burst into the house, weapons drawn and demanded that everyone step outside with their hands up. But to their surprise it was just a farmer and his family.
The farmer claimed he had nothing to do with the insurgency, but the squad weren't too sure, so continued and searched the house thoroughly and to their shock, they found a group of insurgents hiding in an underground hatch. The commanding officer was furious with the farmer and took him outside along with one of the insurgents.
Lieutenant Dawton demanded the farmer to tell him why he had lied to them and threatened to execute him and his family on the spot. But the farmer remained defiant. He told Dawton that he had been forced to help them otherwise they would have killed him and his family. Unfortunately for the farmer, he was a terrible liar, but fortunately this made Lieutenant Dawton's job very easy. Stepping up behind the farmer, Commander Dyre raised his blaster and soon after the Consortium was gone and the farmhouse was now truly abandoned.

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GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries