Iridonian Arrest of...
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Iridonian Arrest of the Baltaca Clan Members

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Posts: 88
Trusted Member Ashlon Empire
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Upon returning to Iridonia, most of us had to experience flashbacks of the massacre of Zabraks. We have wiped all of them out, and you would think "It's over". However after receiving orders from our commanding officer we realized that it was not over yet. While focusing our efforts on Ra'un a particular clan has been established on the planet. We received orders to search every single town on the planet in order to eliminate any Baltaca clan members. Such resistance was quickly put down as the terrorists were nothing compared to our forces. We have been on this planet once, we have fought and defeated those savages Zabraks, some "clan members" didn't even come close to the deadly warriors. Upon searching this last town we have taken out the remaining operatives of the Baltaca Clan, two of which we took prisoners for interrogation with the aim of locating the clan leadership in the Hiarashi Capitol. Upon exiting the town we found the remains of the zabraks, still hanged right there outside the city walls, sometimes I think if what we did was right, but orders are orders, our superiors see the bigger picture which we cannot. Of course we saw that one remaining clan member scout, who was a complete amateur by the looks of it, as we clearly saw him on top of the roof. However we pretended like we didn't so we could track him right to the Clan Leadership to take them out once and for all.


Posted : 19/04/2023 3:43 pm
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Followers of the Force Faction Leader

Brutal scene! But I'm confused - are the Baltaca clan not Zabrak? The story kind of makes it sound that way.

Posted : 19/04/2023 4:01 pm
Posts: 20
New Member Followers of the Force

Very brutal but i love the build! 

Member of the New Jedi Order

Posted : 20/04/2023 12:44 pm
Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 29/05/2023 6:42 pm