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On the planet of Galidraan...
"As requested, these are the array of weapons we were able to provided." Explained Cdr. Deveron.
"Ah yes! What beauties they are! A thousand thanks Commander." Exulted General Oram.
"Yes, beauties indeed. Consisting in these boxes are about 15 brand new E-11s , 5 new E-22s, a plethora or thermal detonators, and a fresh E-Web. That should suffice you needs in this civil war General?" Said Cdr. Deveron
"Yes they will Commander. I can not wait to put these in action!." Said General Oram happily.
"Great. And you know what happens after the planet is under your control?" Questioned Cdr. Deveron.
"Of course Commander! Galidraan will become one of the vast array of systems under you protection." Answered General Oram.
"You know. These are amazing blasters!" Said Lieutenant Tressk.
"Of course they are. They were made in an Imperial Factory." Answered Cdr. Deveron.
"Yeah, I guess so." Replied Lieutenant Tressk.
"Looks like there's nothing on the horizon. We should be secure here." Assured Tk 291.
"Yeah, what do you think will happen." Replied Tk 917 in questionable tone.
"Personally, I think they will win and we will control the planet." Answered Tk 291 in prideful tone.
"Yeah, but don't you think this is kinda like what the Rebellion did in its early stages." questioned Tk 917.
"Its not rebellion if it advances our will. We are liberating this planet, not rebelling. Your lucky I don't turn you int to the Commander for treason!" Said Tk 291.
"Sorry! I was just asking a rhetorical question." Defended Tk 917.
"Ok well I believe this concludes our deal General. I hope these weapons prove satisfactory for your operations and look forward to doing business in the future." Concluded Cdr. Deveron.
"What! Leaving so soon Commander?" Questioned General Oram.
"Of course General. We have many battles to win besides yours. We will not rest until the galaxy is ours again. As said before, we look forward to business in the future but for now I must go. Report to use if you need anything more, we have many troops and weapons at our disposal. Troopers! Lets move out, we have a shuttle waiting for use!"....
Imperials: Tk 291, Cdr.Deveron, Tk 917, Snow Scout Trooper Tk 893
The Civil War Vets: Maxum, General Oram, Lt. Winston, Lt. Tressk
Hello my amazing builders! This is my newest Moc! I had a ton of fun building it and really like that I have been doing a bunch of mini-mods while I get the gears working on my really big one! So yeah. I defiantly didn't show any works in progress about this one as I did it in like 3 hours. I tried Sam(RocketBoys) idea with the building he suggested on my Serreno Moc and I loved how it turned out. I guess learning form experienced guys does help. So I hope you enjoy and as always I love feedback on my builds. Goodbye my friends and Long Live the Empire!
Small but interesting build. Nice props!
ARGO Industries employee
@brickwolf Thanks! I wanted to do a smaller moc to test my detail skills
Nice to see you experiment with a snot base (still a little rough 😉 ). The figs are a really nice tie to the comic - well done.
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
[Admin] This entry has scored 6 XP.
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order