[Admin] This post has scored 5 XP.
Murgh and Six wait patiently in the shadows, looking for the right time to strike the vault. As they form a plan, their confidence builds. They are sure this plan cannot go wrong.
As it turns out, they are correct. They execute their plan flawlessly.
Noice build! Love the vault design and can't wait for your next build! Show that imperial Might!
Great first build! Looking forward to seeing more!
ARGO Industries employee
Nice little entry. The build still feels a little bit messy, but I love that you're tried this vault thing out. Looking at concept arts, or stills from SW films and series always helps me out, getting closer to the SW feeling.
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
[Admin] This post has scored 5 XP.
Thank you!
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order