This entry has earned 5XP
[Kijimi, 1200 hours]
The shovel hit the ground.
“Scrap! Come take the shovel from me. My arms are hurting like hell.” I couldn’t feel my hands anymore. It was cold.
So, so cold.
As Scrap approached me to relieve me of my work, I walked over to Stori.
“Big day today.”
“Yep,” she responded, a shiver in her voice.
“Our plan will finally be complete,” I said. “Once we meet Murgh and Six in Kessel, we are gonna have enough spice to finally pay for a crew. They sent me a holo yesterday, and said that they got a shipload full of spice. I think they hit a vault or something.”
“So now we’ll have enough spice to hire a crew and go take control of the mines?” Stori asked.
“Yep. I know where to get a crew, and now we definitely have enough spice.”
As I looked around, I saw a dead tree in the corner. It had an icicle dripping from it. I slowly watched as it ever so slowly melted from the branch.
Scrap walked over to me slowly.
“Scrap, report. What did you find?”
“Siv, we have hit a couple… treasure chests?” Scrap said in a monotone voice.
As me and the droid walked over to the snow-capped chest, Stori jumped up from her rock and ran over to join us. “What’s going on?” She asked.
“Hold on, let me send a holo to Murgh.”
As Murgh answered the incoming call, Six popped into frame. “I bet 200 credits that we found more spice than you.”
“It’s a deal. Find a crew that is willing to help us with the spice mines.”
As I hung up, I turned to Scrap.
“Prepare the ship for Kessel.”
Good little build!
Nice snow scene. Good use of subdued colors!
ARGO Industries employee
This entry has earned 5XP
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries