[Empress Teta] The ...
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[Solved] [Empress Teta] The Quiet Before the Storm

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The quiet before the storm

Name: DPC – Vigilance

Class: Patrol Craft

Type: DPC-M1 (Defense Patrol Craft Model 1)

Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

Armaments:      x 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers

                              x 6  Heavy Laser Cannons

                              x 2 Mine Layer Launcher

Complement:    x  10 TIE Star Fighters

Hyperdrive: Yes

Shielding: Yes

Crew: Pilot, Engineer,[6] Gunners, [10] TIE Pilots, [1] Squadron of soldiers

Description: Created by Sienar Fleet Systems to have a combative edge against their competitors. The DPC was designed to patrol outer space to combat piracy, smugglers, and later rebels. The imperial navy liked the craft, powerful, maneuverable,  swift and well protected. The imperial navy did dislike the fact that not many soldiers or cargo could be placed on the ship. This made boarding operations more of a challenge. The versatility of the DPC made it a huge asset to the imperial Navy and it stayed in production though in limited numbers.


Story: The vigilance is a heavily  modified DPC ship used personally by Arthur Greyford to do the will of the Imperial Consortium. Arthur has been tasked with  securing  the orbit around Empress Teta with other imperial naval craft of the Consortium. Most people would find the job to be boring and tedious, not Arthur he knew the importance of his role. Unfortunately, with past setbacks for the glorious empire manpower has become an issue. The gunners for the DPC have been replaced with an automated system, along with the inclusion of a droid security team instead of stormtroopers. Even the pilots for the TIE fighters were droids. Not to mention his vessel only had two fighters at his disposal making his job a little bit difficult. Arthur personally programed the droids to help him in his mission, other imperials would have scoffed at the idea. Though other imperials are now only starting to realize that with each battle it is becoming extremely hard to refill the legions of the empire. Arthur knew that not only would droids be more commonplace in the ranks soon aliens would also join as well. Arthur knew there were talks about including certain aliens into the imperial ranks. Already “The Baron of the unknown regions” has been recruiting and training alien auxiliaries for the consortium. With Empress Teta being secured for the consortium Arthur knew this was one small step in securing the empire.

This topic was modified 3 years ago by RocketBoy
Posted : 10/02/2022 12:15 am
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Posted : 22/02/2022 5:40 am