[Admin] Entry Score | 7 XP
From the journal of Rak Tiberus of the ISB [RANK CLASSIFIED]:
We’d been here for longer than anticipated. It started out as a simple extraction mission - but in the jungles of Florn, nothing is that simple. During our search for the high value target we got attacked and separated from the main group. Injured and running low on water, we came upon a resupply bunker. That bunker saved our lives until the day our orders came through the com-link. We were going home. We just needed to survive long enough for the patrol skiff to pick us up.

This was a fun one. I Imagined these bunkers being installed as a type of safe-zone against the deadly environment - so that when a scout speeder comes to drop off supplies, it can just go up the ramp and through the bunker door. Pretty much maxed out my dark green and sand green bricks. I would have liked to extend the water more but i'm happy with it. Let me know what you think!
Great character designs, and I love the way you put an immersive background on the photos
Wow, that background really does add to the athmosfere! The pipes are a neat touch, but perhaps a bit too clean!
[Admin] Entry Score | 7 XP
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order