[Life Day LTC] A Ma...
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[Solved] [Life Day LTC] A Mando'ade Christmas Special

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  There was both tension and excitement in the air. Hayk had come to Krownest to deliver a gift to one of the Mando'ade's newly appointed representatives. He carried the package, wrapped in bright red cloth, and tied with a bow to add a little more of that Life Day cheer. Hayk had to admit that it wasn't much of a surprise what the gift was, but it was the thought that counts, right? Besides, swords were a pretty safe gift for Mandalorians, and this sword had been hand-made at Hayk's beskar forge back at the droid repair shop, and Hayk was confident of it's quality.

  He hoped that the representative, Char'az be'Kad, wouldn't need to use the weapon anytime soon, though, as he had been asked to represent the entire Mando'ade at a council of many major factions. The council was only days away, and few yet knew the details; the Mando'ade leaders were still waiting for a final location of where this meeting would take place. As Hayk approached, he found Char'az admiring the light pouring through a window where a Life Day tree stood in all it's glory. Char'az spoke and he turned to welcome Hayk.

  'I wasn't on Mandalore long before The Purge, but windows like this remind me of the cities our people once lived in. Olarom, Hayk Kuarris. Your reputation precedes you.'

  'Thank you. The clans speak very highly of you. And Happy Life Day...' Hayk replied, then he held out the sword in a gesture of offering.

  Char'az took the sword, honoured, and began unwrapping it from the red cloth.

  'I've heard of the Beskar coming off of Celanon. Some of the finest quality in the known galaxy, from what I've heard. I also hear that some of the finest droids come from there as well... a strange mix, as our people tend to hate droids.'

  'Well, not all droids are alike, and it is an honest living that doesn't attract much unwanted attention.'

  'Ah, well... I hear you've done enough of that on your own as well,' Char'az mused, '...many of our leaders have told me of your exploits in various battles-- you know they don't go unnoticed.'

  'I don't do it for the reputation, but to honour Naruun. He showed me how to fight for peace, at a time when I felt lost.'

  'Yes. Naruun had that effect on most people he met. He knew the value of being able to defend oneself, and to stand up for someone else, and somehow found ways to do this that didn't require weapons. He would be proud of who you've become.'

  The two continued to talk for a while, mostly about the upcoming summit where the factions would meet on equal ground. The Mando'ade had two representatives that would attend, Char'az, and Fnab Bibbly. Char'az was amused that after all this time, he and Fnab would be meeting again. He told Hayk how Fnab had been the man to introduce him to Mandalorian culture, which had been very foreign to him after growing up on Coruscant. In the end, no one knew what to expect from this meeting, and it was hard to believe that some of the factions would desire to meet in peace. Hayk knew this as much as anyone, and as the two mused over the details they knew, and the things that they could only guess at so far, he gave a bit of a reassuring smirk, and told Char'az plainly:

  'I hope, for all our sakes, that this meeting goes well, but sometimes negotiations get a little dangerous. May that blade protect you well.'

  The light pouring in through the patterned glass danced off of the blade as Char'az admired it.


This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn
Posted : 25/12/2022 7:47 am
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader

Really nice atmosphere, especially like the wrapped present!

Posted : 02/01/2023 3:37 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
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Posted : 11/01/2023 2:12 pm