Life Day on Rothana...
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[Solved] Life Day on Rothana [Life Day LTC]

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Captain Havok
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Rothana Chapter II - Life Day on Rothana

Anyone who’s spent more than five minutes with a Rothanian will tell you the one thing that separates them from the rest of us. They have a massive chip on their shoulder. Being the primary shipbuilding planet during the Empire’s reign gave them what can only be described as an inflated ego. Then when it all went to hell, they were abandoned. By 5ABY, all the ships the Rothanians built were destroyed or scattered along with the admirals onboard…all but one. Admiral Praji was a proud Rothanian man who refused to abandon his home planet. Taking advantage of the void left by the Galactic Civil War, he seized power for himself and installed his own family members as advisors.

- Dak’s Audio Log


The Rothana Remnant were throwing a Life Day party and Dak’s presence was duly noted by suspicious glances and quiet murmurs. Eventually he got into conversation with a couple of sharply dressed Imperials. Watching the remnant’s ruler from across the room, Dak asked the group “Why is Admiral Praji still an Admiral after all these years? Surely he should be at least a Fleet Admiral by now.”

“He thought promoting himself would make him look out of touch so he chose to stay at the rank “the Emperor” gave him.” the woman said sneeringly.

“Got himself a nice white uniform though didn’t he?" Said the ISB officer among them.

“And consequently nobody’s earned a rank higher than Admiral since Jakku” added the bored looking man.

They all chucked dryly.

Finally, the Admiral approached Dak. “Raxum Tiberus, is that you?” He asked wide eyed.

“Raxum was my father I’m afraid” said Dak, smiling and sticking out his hand. “I’m Dak, here to represent your latest customer.” 

“Ahh the Society” he seemed to remember. “and how is my old chum Eniro Hassat?” he asked.

“I…wouldn’t know sir. I haven’t met him.” Dak replied sensing the imminent death of this conversation.

“Actually sir, i’m here with an official offer” Dak said, ready to launch into his oral presentation. “We would like to cordially invite you to join the ranks of the Stygian Caldera Society…”

Dak had hardly finished his opening statements when he noticed the Admiral motion his hand towards his guards and then at Dak. Three seconds later and Dak was face down on the cold tiles with an armoured knee sticking into his back.

He groaned in agony.

“It’ll be a cold day in hell before I let a treasonous little pimp stage a coup under my roof.” he spat. “Take him to the Sky Cells!”

The guards hauled Dak to his feet and led him through the crowd.

“and on Life Day of all days!” he heard Praji exclaim behind him.

The mechanical door slid open and Dak was kicked inside. He was greeted to a small room with 2 walls behind him and 2 walls opening out on the icey cliffs below..

He got up and looked at his new cell mates: 2 white faced creatures wearing rebel flight suits. Under normal circumstances this would be a less than ideal pair for an Imperial to be sharing a room with. Fortunately, Dak was pretty sure they were both dead.

He walked towards the pilots intending to go through their pockets for anything that could be useful. Suddenly, the pilots head jolted up to meet Dak’s eyes and it nearly caused him to slip off into the abyss below. Dak noticed the female pilot was also staring at him and decided to change tact.

“You hotshots looking to get outta here?”


This topic was modified 2 years ago by Captain Havok
This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn

Bryx Security Bureau | Faction Leader

Posted : 31/12/2022 10:05 pm
Eyrezer reacted
Posts: 231
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau

Adding the prison area was a nice touch!

Posted : 01/01/2023 7:01 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

Really atmospheric build. I'm getting some Indiana Jones vibes here...

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 03/01/2023 12:58 pm
Posts: 229
Reputable Member Followers of the Force

Cool build. Those banners give a very imperial look, if you’ll pardon the pun. Excellent posing of the figs. The sky cells remind me of GOH and are well done with the white-to-grey graduation.

Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order

Posted : 04/01/2023 7:22 am
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

This entry has earned 45XP (x3 LTC)

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 11/01/2023 2:23 pm