Long Live the Empir...
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Long Live the Empire! Fondor Shipyards!

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Trusted Member Ashlon Empire
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Fondor, a planet in the colonies region. I can't remember the last time we've been here. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Fondor served as a massive manufacturing hub for the Imperials, featuring dozens of orbital shipyards known as the Fondor Shipyards. After our defeat at Endor, we let the New Republic take it, therefore directly preventing ourselves from receiving any more additions to our fleet, which is crucial in order to resist the New Republic. After striking some important republican outposts on the planet, we have pretty much eliminated on-planet communications as well as taking out the new republic high command on the planet and in orbit, the remaining forces either surrendered or gone into hiding. None of this would be possible without the alliance with Kuat which happened several rotations ago, the freshly made TIE Fighters installed with shields requested by our Moff have really played the key part in eliminating the republic fleet over on Fondor. After several months, we have been called onto the marching positions, our superiors would not tell us what is happening although the rumors of a newly made star destroyer reached us either way. We were all filled with excitement as it is been years since we saw a star destroyer in all it's glory. We exited our barracks and made our way to the shipyards, there we beheld the sight of a newly made star destroyer, with a platoon of TIE Fighters parked around it, they flew all the way from Kuat here, to witness this iconic event. There were even some AT-ATs here and there, although incomparable to the sheer size of the destroyer. Star Destroyer model by boredom974 on bricklink. Happy May the 4th everyone!


This topic was modified 2 years ago by LegoSWPro
Posted : 04/05/2023 10:47 pm
Shockwave bricks
Posts: 118
Trusted Member Bryx Security Bureau

Applying Shipyard Asset

This post was modified 2 years ago by Shockwave bricks


Posted : 07/05/2023 2:30 pm
Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 29/05/2023 6:43 pm