This entry has earned 22XP (x2 LTC)
Wombo left the village feast early so he could hide his extra helpings from his brother Weetlie.
As he ran along the gangways trying not drop his delicious haul... he smelt something foul.
Suddenly...the gangway shook violent and Wombo lost his footing, dropping all his treats over the side.
Rising to his feet he was met by a giant claw!
Wombo starting backing away as the head of a giant Gorax raised its head over the gangway in front of him.
The snack thief....had become the snack!
Love it! Instantly recognisable. That straggly hair is nasty.
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
Just amazing, perfectly recognizable.
Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order
Sick shot!
Brilliant job, very distinctive and wonderfully executed
This entry has earned 22XP (x2 LTC)
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries