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When ISB-Major Telak Deren entered the splendid meeting-room that was located in Grand Moff Tarkin’s former imperial palace on Eriadu, the other participants were already there. There were big news for the great Imperial Consortium and they didn’t agree how to react.
Suddenly Governor Grelmin hit the table with his fist and shouted: “Negotiating with these traitors is completely unacceptable! I can’t permit that the glorious Imperial Consortium conspires with a bunch of traitors!”
But High-Admiral Loragen quietjy answered: “Nobody in this room wants to conspire with the New Republic, but the time has changed and the Empire isn’t as strong any more as back in the days of the Emperor. We have to send diplomats to Chandrila, now we have the opportunity to use our influence, but the war is not over yet, when the New Republic is weak, we will destroy their disgusting government! Long live the Empire!”
The others: “Long live the Empire”
Major Deren: “ I will contact other imperial remnants, we might be able to earn more political influence, if we can count on support from other imperials that have the same issues as the Consortium. We might trade important military resources with them.
High-Admiral Loragen:
“ You’re right! I will also send diplomats to them. I think, the Imperial Consortium is going to earn lots of territory in the upcoming times!”
All together: “Long live the empire!”
Great build, but it would benefit from better presentation and photography. Try to insert it in the post and turn it 90 degrees. Picture is also a bit dark.
ARGO Industries employee
That’s quite the cheese mosaic with the red and black. Very Imperial!
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
Symmetrical wall design and red guards are a highlight for me! Nice use for knights kingdom helmet.
Very nicely done, those cheese slope floors must have taken ages!
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Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order