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[Solved] (NJO) (Meego) Lesson: The Force

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It had already been a few days since they had arrived on Ator Hollos. Meego hadn’t really attempted to connect with any of them yet besides what work they’d done together to recuperate from their violent entry. However, RU-D4 had warmed up to him, and practically everyone else. Today, considering that it was the dead of winter, was pleasant, thus Meego decided to go on a walk to a waterfall that Rudy had pointed out after morningmeal. 

“Oh, it’s such a pretty sight, and provides such a view of the valley below,” she said happily in her robotic voice. “Let me know when you get back, I need to show you my holovids!”

“Will do!” Meego replied as Rudy picked up a box full of paints to freshen up the monastery. Meego’s leave hadn’t gone entirely unnoticed though. 

As he walked along the steep path, humming a cheerful tune to distract himself from the thousands, upon thousands meter drop to the valley, his steps were followed. The waterfall, as Rudy had said, was very pretty. It was set into the top of one of the smaller outcrops of the Grandmother. Meego got captured in the moment from the true beauty of Ator Hollos, but felt the pull of gravity. Was this the Force? He thought as he panicked. At the last moment, a hand reached out and grabbed his jacket and pulled him back to safety. For a few seconds, Meego continued to breathe harshly as he lay on the grass next to the fierce, cold stream. 

“You should pay attention where you’re stepping,” a voice said kindly. He recognized it, had she followed him? He sat up from his sprawled position. Master Noko sat down next to him and began to use the Force to shift the flow of the water.

“The Force is all around us, it flows through us, like this water flows down the mountain. It also connects us.”

She dropped the water.

“Move the water, Meego.”

Meego reached out in the direction of the water. He closed his eyes and concentrated it, trying to feel the water and the Force surrounding it. The water did not move.

“One of Luke’s teachers had a saying, Do or do not, there is no try. Move the water, Meego.”

The water shifted slightly. Meego lifted his hand and a cube of water became airborne then dropped down again. He panted, the effort had taken a toll on him.

“There! See, Meego,” Noko said smiling. “Now, meditate. Feel the Force flowing through you.”

She got up and turned to follow the path back to the monastery. As she was leaving, she turned and told Meego, “The Force unites us, it flows through all of us, just like it flowed between you and the water. You can trust us, you know.”

Then, Master Noko left, leaving Meego to meditate upon the Force and the Order.




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This topic was modified 3 years ago 2 times by RocketBoy

New Jedi Order

Posted : 19/02/2022 3:47 pm
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Rising Member Pirate Collective

a nice little rocky arch, and cheers to putting FF over 50 on Danoor!

Posted : 22/02/2022 3:14 am
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Posted : 09/03/2022 4:47 am