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[M9 - Caamas - FF] Temple Ruins

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Ithorian botanist, Doctor Stayh Menh has been tracking the xeno-jungle released by his crashed and marooned herd on the southern continent of Caamas. Along with his faithful Kaadu-wrangling droid P0-K3, Menh examines the unusual growth patterns centered around a seismic void below the surface.

The void is found to be a hallway, leading to a glowing, pulsating chamber. Cubes of various colors scale the walls and a crumpled mass within clutches one of the cubes. 

Roots reach down from the ceiling, stretching close to the vibrant cubes but not touching them.

The Kaadu balk and are scolded by P0. The medical droid rattles but continues to rest until needed.

Whatever this chamber possessed is completely foreign to Menh and he fears to go any further.

Additional Photos

Characters created by Albert Lee. Design meant to invoke architectural elements from Jedha and Byzantine architecture. Flower tentacles are Na'vi tails. There's a couple of slides and DUPLO in there. The behemoth statue inside the chamber is meant to represent a pre-Sith-mutilation version of the beast. Special help from the kids in my store's advanced builder group. Eventually this will get a road over the top and fit in next to my Jedha bridge and a larger temple in progress. WIPs included below.


Posted : 03/10/2023 7:03 pm
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

Gorgeous. That editing and the central chamber are the highlights. All the little detail work gives the kind of awe I have for real mosaics, hahah.

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 23/10/2023 10:23 pm
Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 24/10/2023 10:28 pm