[M9 - Caamas - FF] ...
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[M9 - Caamas - FF] There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

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Location: Grid Square M9, Caamas, Old Jedi Temple.
Names: Luke Skywalker, Ithorian Youngling
Species: Human, Ithorian
Faction: FF

Luke paced up the last peak with vehemence, taking two long strides at a time. Although the force would enable him to leap high above the ancient and unstable path, he carried with him an Ithorian Youngling. 

He reached the peak of the mountain after beginning his ascent an mere hour earlier - a feat that would've taken the ordinary human a whole day's trekking.

Unfortunately, Luke had only just begun to admire the ruins when he sensed a nearby disturbance. Loud and heavy metallic clanks confirmed his suspicions. Several AT-ST's headed in his direction, flanked by scout troopers on white Imperial-issue speeders.

For a second, he smiled to himself as memories of his adventure on the Forest Moon of Endor spiralled past him.


The crest of the mountain marked the meditation shrine of the Old Jedi Temple - one of the few unmarked places after Emperor Palpatine 'cleansed' a majority of the planet's surface.

Luke knew that the Crimson Empress would let nothing bear into her ruinous path, and also that there would be few who could stop her rampage. She would soon lock down the planet with waves upon waves of stormtroopers, and his fate would be sealed in their company. If he didn't get back to his nearby T-65 X-Wing. 

He tapped his wrist and opened his comms channel - which, thankfully wasn't jammed.

"R2?, power up the ship."

This topic was modified 1 year ago 4 times by Count_creations
Posted : 15/10/2023 5:34 am